Choosing The Right Treadmill For Your Home

If you are looking to create your own home gym, or upgrade your current gym equipment lineup, there are several factors you should consider. Let’s explore what to look for when choosing the right treadmill for your home.

Quality Of The Treadmill

The quality of your treadmill should be at the forefront when making a purchase decision. You want to ensure the treadmill is comfortable, reliable, and easy to use.

A few factors to consider regarding the quality of your treadmill are the drive motor, safety features, construction, and warranty.

Drive Motor

When reviewing options for the drive motor, look for a treadmill that is quiet and strong for an uninterrupted performance. We recommend purchasing a treadmill with solid horsepower, which provides a smooth experience. Treadmills such as TRUE’s new 950 Treadmill provide a 4 HP motor, making it a powerful machine.

Safety Features

When reviewing residential treadmill options, ensure there are solid safety features in place. TRUE treadmills feature a unique User Present Detection™ system in addition to your traditional safety key. You also want to look for quality handrails and side straddles, in case you need to quickly jump off your treadmill from a vigorous run.

Solid Construction

Confirm that your future treadmill has a solid build and is manufactured for the long run. Some treadmills will come with thin plastic components that are easily breakable due to basic wear and tear. TRUE’s residential treadmills are built with robotically-welded heavy-gauge steel frames, making them extremely strong and durable.


A treadmill is an investment, and a quality machine should stand the test of time. You want to ensure that in the case something does go wrong, you are covered. While there are many treadmills on the market that come at an entry-level price point, they often cannot stand heavy usage and come with a minimal warranty.

TRUE treadmills feature a lifetime warranty on the frame of your treadmill, in addition to a warranty on the motor, parts, and labor.

Shock Absorption And Cushioning

Your treadmill should provide a smooth run with a premium shock-absorbing surface. If you are looking for a comfortable surface, consider a TRUE treadmill with True Soft Select®, which allows everyone in your family to select their preferred level of softness on the belt.

You may also enjoy the TRUE Soft System® that decreases impact and stress on your joints, so you can run longer and farther. You can find the Soft System on treadmills like the 950 Treadmill and Performance 800 Treadmill. TRUE treadmills also include an orthopedic Belt for the ultimate impact reduction on your joints and knees.

Versatility Of The Treadmill

Woman running on a TRUE treadmill. Choosing The Right Treadmill For Your Home.

While reviewing your options, consider the versatility of the treadmill. Is this machine built for light usage that will allow for walks and jogging, or will it provide a platform to train for future races if you are looking to take your training to the next level? Be sure to check the incline (and decline) and max miles per hour of the treadmill to ensure it fits your lifestyle.

Connected Features

There is a range of connected features available on today’s treadmill. A basic you might want to have is Bluetooth, as it will allow you to connect with various fitness apps and tools such as Zwift and Polar for an interactive experience.

Whether you are shopping for your very first treadmill or looking to upgrade an existing model, be sure to carefully review your options and choose the machine that works best for you and your lifestyle. If you are looking to purchase a premium residential treadmill, be sure to check out TRUE’s full lineup of commercial-inspired treadmills to help with choosing the right treadmill for your home.

Some Home Treadmill FAQs

What Is A Good Width For A Treadmill?

Ideally, you want a minimum of 48 inches long and 18 inches wide for running, but that is pretty narrow. The average is more like 55 inches long and 20 inches wide. Taller runners might want to go up to 60 inches long and 22 inches wide.

What Is A Good Deck Size For Treadmills?

For runners, HIIT, sprinters, etc You'll want space, even a 50 cm (20 inch) width can feel cramped; a 55 cm (22 inch) wide track is better, particularly if you're tall. In terms of length, 135 cm (54) inches should be your minimum, with a 150 cm (60 inch) deck giving you ample room to stretch your legs to the fullest.

What Should I Look For When Buying A Treadmill?

1) Belt Size. 2) Cushioning. 3) Stability. 4) Weight. 5) Space And Size. 6) Warranty / Delivery / Set-up.

Is A Treadmill Good For Weight Loss?

The bottom line. As a form of cardio exercise, using a treadmill is an excellent way of burning calories and losing weight. If you're not sure what type of treadmill workout is best suited to you, talk to a certified personal trainer. They can work with you to create a customized treadmill weight loss program.

What Length Treadmill Do I Need?

As a general rule, a minimum of 50″ in belt length is recommended for walkers, 55″ for runners, and 60″ for runners over 6′ tall. Once you have worked out how much space you need in your home to have a treadmill, you can start thinking about treadmill size.

How To: Transition To Running On The Treadmill

As the winter weather continues to drop, it may be time to take your training indoors. The transition to running on the treadmill can be a fun experience if you take the right steps. Today, we are sharing a few tips and tricks on how to best transition to running indoors.

Make The Transition Gradual

If possible, ease into your indoor training to allow your body to adjust to your new running gait. Ensure your indoor running workouts are 20% or less of your running workouts until you feel that your body has had the opportunity to adjust.

Get Fitted For The Right Shoes

Did you know most running shoes last around 500 miles before they wear out and become unsafe to wear? Start off your treadmill training with a pair of shoes that work well for you. Your local running store should be able to help get you fitted and offer suggestions based on your foot type, pronation, and preferences.

The right shoes for the transition to running on the treadmill.

Join A Running Club

If a community is what you crave, join a virtual running club. Choose a club that creates a community, challenges you, and offers a fun experience. If you are looking for a Strava run club, join the TRUE Run Club, which offers motivation, challenges, and fun giveaways throughout the year.

Find The Right App Or Training Platform For You

There are a plethora of apps that can help you get the most out of your treadmill runs. Look for apps that are compatible with your treadmill. You can choose a simplistic app such as GymTrakr, or join a virtual world like Zwift. In addition, most treadmills offer built-in programming to challenge your workouts like TRUE HRC Heart Rate Control®, which allows you to set your target heart rate. The treadmill will then adjust the speed and/or incline of the treadmill to keep you at your target heart rate.

Prioritize Cross-Training And Recovery

Prioritize Cross-Training And Recovery.

Cross-training can help reduce the risk of overuse injuries and reduce stress on joints and the spine. Add in some weight training, cycling, swimming, or elliptical workout. We have a full playlist of light equipment and bodyweight workouts that you can complete at home or the gym.

Recovery is also key to your treadmill workouts. Select low-resistance activities such as yoga, walking, foam rolling, or stretching and incorporate them into your weekly workout routines.

Whether this is your first time running indoors or you’re looking to make a transition to running on the treadmill, there is no better time than now!

Understanding The Difference Between Physical Activity & Exercise

Physical activity and exercise are both important pieces of a healthy lifestyle and each contributes to your overall physical fitness. However, physical activity and fitness are two different terms with different definitions, and they are often misused.

By understanding what each word means, you will be able to have a better understanding of your fitness and health goals.

What Is Physical Activity?

According to ACE Fitness, physical activity is defined as movement that is carried out by the skeletal muscles that require energy. In other words, any movement you do counts as physical activity.

Examples of physical activity include doing house and yard chores, playing with the kids, and taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Therefore, no matter what types of moving around you are doing every day, those movements positively benefit to your overall well-being. Physical activity can also range from light to vigorous intensity!

So Then, What Does Exercise Mean?

Unlike physical activity, exercise refers to planned, structured and repetitive movement with a goal of fitness improvements. Exercise can be seen as a subcategory of physical activity and is a more specific form.

For example, running on a treadmill, lifting weights, swimming and more are all different forms of exercise. Keep in mind, that like physical activity, exercise can also vary in intensity but most exercises start out at moderate intensity.

Exercise also helps improve physical fitness and is composed of five specific areas:

  • Cardiorespiratory fitness
  • Muscular strength fitness
  • Muscular endurance fitness
  • Flexibility fitness
  • Body composition

Each of those components of exercise addresses important aspects any healthy lifestyle should include – regular aerobic exercise, conditioning and strength, and even stretching. While all of them are able to be incorporated into a physically active lifestyle, a concrete exercise routine can help you achieve even greater benefits for your body and mental health.

Benefits Of Both:  How To Add Into Your Current Routine

To break it down even simpler:

Physical activity = health outcomes

Exercise = fitness outcomes

Take the time to evaluate yourself for a 24-hour period and see how active you are by keeping a fitness journal. How much moving around do you do from the moment you wake up to the time you go to bed again? Do you find yourself moving around sporadically during the day or having a fairly sedentary lifestyle?

Include your normal activities like going to the gym, gardening, taking the dogs for a walk.

By looking at a day in your life big picture, it will help you determine what you need to include more of in regards to physical activity and exercise. The overlap of physical activity and exercise can provide you with many positive benefits, but it is always important to have a balance of each.

For More Tips On A Healthy Lifestyle

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3 Spring Activities that Give You a Workout

The spring season is a great time to open the windows, get out of the house and start sprucing up the yard and the house. Not only does it feel good to get rid of any unused items and clean up the yard after a harsh winter, but these activities are a great form of exercise as well! Stay active this spring while knocking a few chores off the list at the same time by completing these, and many more activities: Continue reading “3 Spring Activities that Give You a Workout”

Master the End of Maternity Leave with a Home Fitness Routine

Going back to work after having a baby is stressful enough without having to worry about staying fit and healthy. But losing the “baby weight” doesn’t have to be a chore. There are many easy ways to make getting back in shape a part of your everyday routine. Check out these few tips below about how you can incorporate home fitness back into your busy new-mom lifestyle. Continue reading “Master the End of Maternity Leave with a Home Fitness Routine”