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3 Spring Activities that Give You a Workout


The spring season is a great time to open the windows, get out of the house and start sprucing up the yard and the house. Not only does it feel good to get rid of any unused items and clean up the yard after a harsh winter, but these activities are a great form of exercise as well! Stay active this spring while knocking a few chores off the list at the same time by completing these, and many more activities:

Mow the Lawn with a Push MowerParents With Daughter Riding Bikes In Park

Mowing the lawn with a push mower is a great cardio and strength building exercise. Take advantage of completing a chore while also getting in your workout for the day. The natural hills on your property make for great glute workouts as well, so tackle those hills with determination!

Give the House a Thorough Spring Cleaning

Cleaning out the house can also be more than just a simple chore. Cleaning out boxes of old clothes and other items you don’t need anymore is a great arm workout. These other tasks can also be a great cardio and strength workout:

  • Dusting
  • Vacuuming
  • Sweeping
  • Mopping

Paint the House

Whether you decide to freshen up the inside or the outside of your home with a fresh coat of paint, this chore in itself is quite the workout. Climbing up and down ladders and using your arm muscles to paint and roll all make for a great strength workout and you will definitely feel the burn the next day.

Start Gardening

Do you have a green thumb? Gardening is considered a moderately intense exercise that can help relieve stress and illness like depression and heart disease. It also gets your blood pumping, resulting in an excellent cardio and strength workout by digging in the dirt and hauling mulch and other supplies.

Up Next: Make Your Daily Routine Healthier with These Fitness Hacks