Man’s Best Workout Partner: Working Out With Your Dog

Exercising with pets can be a great way to kill two birds with one stone: you get in your exercise and your pet is also getting exercise and socialization. Dogs will especially hold you accountable because they thrive off of routine and always love and remember recurring time spent with you. Do you ever notice that like clockwork your dog is grabbing their leash or waiting by the door anticipating for their usual exercise?

Though sometimes we might be lazy or maybe have talked ourselves out of going for a run that morning and hitting snooze a couple of times, your pet’s energy is contagious and they are ready to get out of bed or off of the couch and get their run in. Continue reading “Man’s Best Workout Partner: Working Out With Your Dog”

Daily Activities To Improve Your Overall Health

If you’re trying to get healthy or find a way to get in more exercise, you have to remember that there is a difference between exercise and daily activity. But don’t let that difference get in your way. There are many daily activities that can help improve overall health while completing chores and spending time with loved ones. Continue reading “Daily Activities To Improve Your Overall Health”

How to Strength Train Outdoors

When the weather is beautiful and you don’t feel like going inside to the gym, simply take your strength training workout outdoors. You can still work nearly all of your muscle groups to near failure simply using your own body weight. Working out in this fashion may also improve your cardiovascular health as well. We will first cover movements you can use without any equipment. Then discuss some additional movements you could use with some equipment found in many parks. Continue reading “How to Strength Train Outdoors”

3 Spring Activities that Give You a Workout

The spring season is a great time to open the windows, get out of the house and start sprucing up the yard and the house. Not only does it feel good to get rid of any unused items and clean up the yard after a harsh winter, but these activities are a great form of exercise as well! Stay active this spring while knocking a few chores off the list at the same time by completing these, and many more activities: Continue reading “3 Spring Activities that Give You a Workout”

Beat the Heat: How to Stay Safe When Exercising Outside

With the heat of the summer on, exercising outside can be dangerous. From overheating to dehydration, knowing how to stay safe when exercising outside is something all women should know, athlete or not. Don’t ignore these basic rules.

Wear Sunscreen

Even if you are exercising on a cloudy day, you can still get burned. Choose a sunscreen that provides 50 SPF protection and reapply regularly. Avoid spray on sunscreen and sunscreens that claim to be over 50 SPF. Not only are aerosols bad for the environment, but anything over 50 SPF doesn’t work.

Stay Hydrated

Before, during and after exercising outdoors, it is very important to drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated will keep your muscles and cardiovascular system functioning as they should, as well as allowing you to sweat.

Sweating may seem gross, but it is essential to maintain your body temperature. When you sweat, you lose a lot of:

When you lose these three components, you are losing necessary nutrients and minerals. If you have cramping, that is usually a sign that you need potassium in your diet. You can replenish electrolytes with a sports drink like Gatorade. Never drink soft drinks when exercising. Soft drinks contain sugar and caffeine, both of which will dehydrate you even more. Balance sports drinks with water.

Check the Humidity

Even though sweating cools you down, it cannot do so on a humid day. That is why you should not only check the temperature outside before you exercise, but also the humidity. Humidity will make a hot day seem even more unbearable because the sweat will not be evaporating off of your body as it should. If you have to exercise outside on a humid day, take precautions and regularly find cool places to rest.

Listen to Your Body

While you need to push yourself to get stronger or faster, watch out for any warning signs that you’re pushing yourself too hard. If you begin to experience these symptoms, stop exercising and take a break:

  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea
  • Cramping

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