Get fit with the 10-20-30 training concept

If you knew there was a way to improve your health with less exercise, would you do it? Or would you think it’s just too good to be true? You may have heard of high intensity interval training, but the 10-20-30 training concept takes physical fitness to an entirely new level.

A specific form of HIIT, 10-20-30 training is a workout that consists of three or four five-minute intervals of running, each interspersed with two minutes of recovery. During each interval, runners complete a pattern of 30 seconds of jogging, 20 seconds of moderate running and 10 seconds of sprinting. Continue reading “Get fit with the 10-20-30 training concept”

Tips for healthy eating at a barbecue

Summer is upon us, and for many Americans that means extra time to spend with friends, family, and, of course, that favorite all-American pastime: barbecues. If you’ve been vigilant about your fitness routine – making sure to use your TRUE Fitness home treadmill several times a week – you may be a bit nervous about continuing your healthy habits when all that grilled meat is laid before you. Don’t worry! We have some handy tips that will help you stay on track: Continue reading “Tips for healthy eating at a barbecue”

Use an elliptical to strengthen your core

While it’s no secret that elliptical fitness equipment is ideal for an excellent cardio workout free of joint pain, did you know it can also help you strengthen your core? If you’re the type of person who dreads doing sit​ups or crunches of any kind, consider combining your core workout with your weekly cardio fitness routine. Continue reading “Use an elliptical to strengthen your core”

Healthy living adds years to your life

There are more reasons to get fit and stay healthy than losing weight – it could add years onto your life! Research has shown that there are a variety of benefits that come with healthy living, particularly as you reach middle age. People in their 40s and 50s who stay fit and have optimal heart health can live up to 14 years longer than those who do not. Wondering what exactly you can do to extend the length of your life? Take a look: Continue reading “Healthy living adds years to your life”

The most common running mistakes

Whether you’re an avid runner or just getting started, it can be easy to inadvertently make some of the most common running mistakes. While these simple errors won’t completely devastate your exercise routine, if gone unchecked they can lead to injury or unnecessary fatigue. While using a home treadmill specifically designed to reduce your risk of injury – such as the TRUE Fitness M50, which is equipped with the most orthopedically correct running surface in the industry – certainly helps, you’ll also want to avoid these common running mistakes: Continue reading “The most common running mistakes”

Three tips for making running more fun

Some people just don’t like to run. Whether they have weak knees, hate to sweat or are just plain lazy, there’s no way they’re going to hit the gym unless it somehow becomes fun. However, it’s an undeniable fact that exercising regularly is important, and running is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to get in some cardio. Looking for ideas to make running more fun? Give these a try: Continue reading “Three tips for making running more fun”

Healthy tips for keeping your mind sharp

Exercising your brain is just as important as maintaining other parts of your body. Although we naturally lose a bit of brain power as we age, there’s plenty that can be done to prevent it.

“You can build up your brain, just like a muscle,” Stephen Kritchevsky, PhD, director of the Sticht Center on Aging at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, told Prevention magazine.

While crossword puzzles and Sudoku will certainly give your brain a boost, there are other healthy ways that you can start sharpening your mind. Continue reading “Healthy tips for keeping your mind sharp”