Amp up your treadmill routine with BITE running

In today’s world, people are constantly looking for new and inventive ways to spice up their workouts, whether it’s making them more intense, trying traditional exercise in a new way or combining trends to create a new version.

Even with a seemling constant stream on new fad fitness formats gaining popularity, running on your home treadmill is still one of the best cardio workouts you can do. Continue reading “Amp up your treadmill routine with BITE running”

Want to up your cycling game? Try these 5 exercises!

Anyone who spends their time on home gym equipment pumping the pedals of a stationary bike knows that it takes a fully rounded workout program to continue meeting and improving goals.

In addition to spending time on your home exercise bike for cardio workouts, it’s important to strengthen the muscles needed to cycle so you can become stronger and faster with better endurance and stamina. While some might think they just need to work their lower body since that does most of the cycling work, you should actually strengthen both the upper and lower body as well as the core to see real gains in your riding. Having good back and abdominal strength ensures that you’re using proper posture, and strong arms and chest make holding onto the handles and supporting your weight less strenuous. Of course, stronger legs mean you can pedal harder and faster. Continue reading “Want to up your cycling game? Try these 5 exercises!”

Top 4 recovery day mistakes to avoid

You may think of your home gym equipment as a sanctuary where you can escape the day’s stress, have some alone time and enjoy a really great session on your elliptical machine.

A successful sweat sesh is plenty of motivation to keep you dedicated to your weekly fitness routine, especially if you’re working toward an end goal. When you add in the improved mood, better sleep and better body image, it’s easy to spend extra time pounding your home treadmill’s belt. Continue reading “Top 4 recovery day mistakes to avoid”

Top 5 ways to get the most out of every elliptical workout

When it comes to cardio on home fitness equipment, you have three options: stationary bikes, fitness treadmills or elliptical machines. Each individual has their own personal reasons for preferring one over the other – maybe you train for marathons or enjoy the repetitive motion of spinning pedals.

For those who love exercising on home elliptical machines, there are a variety of benefits. This equipment is low-impact, so it’s great for people with joint pain or those who are recovering from injuries. It can also offer a high-intensity session for those who are looking for a serious sweat sesh. Continue reading “Top 5 ways to get the most out of every elliptical workout”