TRUE At-Home Workouts


We want to you in light of the COVID-19 outbreak. Our new at-home trainer tip series was created to support you in your home fitness.

Our new at-home trainer tips series will offer exercises that require no equipment that you can try at home. If you’re looking to mix it up, you can also add in some treadmill or elliptical exercises if available!

We want to hear from you! Let us know what trainer tips you want to see next on our Facebook or Instagram!

Check out our At-Home Workout Series here.

Using Our Motivators For Success

We all have something that motivates us, be it a material item we want and must work hard to get, or our desire for our bodies look a certain way. It can also be much more personal, like our family history or just being there for our family and friends for the long haul.

Whatever our personal motivation is, we need to find it and use it to be able to keep ourselves going strong in our journey to take care of our bodies and health. Continue reading “Using Our Motivators For Success”

National Women’s Health & Fitness Day

As a personal trainer, the majority of my clientele are middle-aged women who are for the first time — or the first in a long time — making their health a priority.

It is so easy for women to get caught up in motherhood, careers, friendships, family, and succeeding in their expectations for each that they often put themselves and their health goals to the wayside.

This National Women’s Health and Fitness Day, take time for yourself to relax, exercise, and get healthy. Continue reading “National Women’s Health & Fitness Day”

Things to Remember When Watching Fitness Reality TV

Many people tune in on weeknights for the guilty pleasure of reality TV. Over time, reality television has evolved so that there is a show for everyone—partiers, outdoorsmen, artists, and even fitness enthusiasts.

Viewers across the country root for their favorite contestant to lose the most weight. You feel their pain and celebrate their victories. You may even use their successes as motivation to get your own life in order. But while watching your favorite reality fitness show, here are a few things to remember:

It’s More TV & Less Reality

The reality behind these shows is that the producers’ ultimate concern is what is captured on camera. The safety and health of contestants often go to the wayside.

Often, contestants will not be asked to engage in proper stretching, their meal plans are not catered to their specific needs, and overall they will not have their bodies taken care of properly unless it ends up on the camera. Producers know that viewers are there for drama and they will cater to that desire—even if they have to orchestrate it.

It’s Dangerous

Imagine never exercising in your adult life and being asked to run a marathon. That’s the pain and risk of physical injury contestants face every day of filming.

Many of the practices depicted on these shows are downright dangerous. Contestants have often seen vomiting or collapsing from exhaustion while doing intense exercises for five to eight hours straight. In addition, their diets are often restricted to less than 1,000 calories today. To put that number into perspective, most people need to consume about 2,000-2,500 calories a day to remain healthy.

When someone is not used to exercising (much less for hours at a time for weeks on end) contestants will lose weight, but not in a healthy manner. Contestants lose an average of 30 pounds per week and to remain healthy, you should only lose about a pound or two a week.

Problems Continue After the Camera Stops

After another season wraps up, many contestants on numerous fitness television shows claimed that they suffered long-lasting effects of being on their respective show. Problems include:

Even viewers are affected. A study revealed that viewers who watched reality fitness TV were less likely to exercise because of the intense way exercise was depicted. Reality fitness also casts personal trainers in a negative light and perpetuates the myths surrounding them, making people less likely to seek a professional’s service to get fit.

No Feeling is Better Than Your Own Journey

Remember, exercise isn’t just about losing weight. Though we may feel triumph with our favorite fitness reality contestants, those feelings fade as the show rolls the ending credits. The best way to feel proud of your progress is to start and stick to our own fitness journey. Each person on those shows has their own personal story. Though your story isn’t documented, that doesn’t make it any less personal or inspiring.

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Why Exercise Isn’t Just About Losing Weight

Do you go to the gym and wonder why “skinny” people are there? A shockingly abundant number of people believe that the primary function of exercise is weight loss, and that if these people are thin they don’t need to exercise. But being thin doesn’t mean that you’re fit and healthy—there are many reasons why you should exercise beyond losing weight. Continue reading “Why Exercise Isn’t Just About Losing Weight”

Get Running with One of These Fitness Plans

Whether you’re a running junkie or new to the concept, there are many fitness plans out there that are pre-designed to get women like you up and running. Here are some pre-designed fitness plans you can choose from based on your running needs. Just remember to wear the proper gear and talk to your doctor before your start a new training program. Continue reading “Get Running with One of These Fitness Plans”

3 “Eureka!” Moments to Feel Proud of Your Progress

Setting fitness goals for yourself and finding the motivation to regularly hit the gym is exciting. However, results will take a little time to start to show, so don’t let yourself become discouraged if you aren’t seeing them as quickly as you’d like. Instead of becoming discouraged and impatient, take a look these reassuring aspects that will restore your fitness motivation along the way: Continue reading “3 “Eureka!” Moments to Feel Proud of Your Progress”

How to Create a Fun Mother-Daughter Workout

RES Week 2There are lots of factors that can turn mother-daughter workout experiences into a less than enjoyable situation. There are generation gaps (both physical and mental) along with self-image and body consciousness.

Don’t let this natural void be intimidating! Working out can be a great opportunity to bond with your daughter when you follow these tips on how to make it an enjoyable experience. Continue reading “How to Create a Fun Mother-Daughter Workout”

Get Jacked, Ladies! Why You Should Not Be Afraid Of Building Muscle

In the world of women’s fitness, women are constantly told they should not “bulk up” when exercising by magazines, websites, even some gyms. Instead, the term “toned” is used to refer to gaining lean muscle and maintain a feminine figure at the same time. It’s time to put all of that nonsense to rest and provide you with the real goods about women’s health and weight training.

Accept Your Body Type

Many women steer clear of weight training exercises because they fear becoming bulky from the added muscle. Don’t be! Every person, no matter their age or gender, has a unique body that requires different needs. Women today need to become more accepting of their body type and avoid trying to conform to what society says is right.

Society has always pushed a specific perception of what women should look like, but these views are arbitrary, change constantly, and don’t necessarily match up with staying physically fit and healthy. In order to reach your fullest physical potential, incorporate cardio and weight training into your workout regimen.

Rid Your Mind of “Feminine” vs. “Masculine”

Despite popular belief, gaining muscle mass is not “masculine”; it’s simply how the human body gets stronger. If you become “bulky,” that doesn’t mean that you are any less feminine or more masculine. It means that you are strong and physically fit and healthy. By ridding yourself of the notion of what’s “feminine”  or “masculine,” you will be able to work out with confidence and improve your mental and emotional health.

Get the Most Out of Weight Training

Weight training has many benefits that you need to take advantage of in order to maintain your physical fitness. Building muscle burns calories just like cardio does, but it does so in a different way and targets different areas of the body. This targeted exercise is necessary for physical improvement and should be incorporated into your fitness routine. Becoming stronger is not only essential for our physical health but empowers women…especially when it comes to tackling tasks that require increased strength.

Up Next: Top 5 Worst Mistakes Athletes Can Make When Exercising