Safeguard Your Brain From Disease With Exercise

You know that exercise is good for you, but many people don’t realize just how important physical activity is for the brain. Recent studies suggest protecting your brain from dementia may be as simple as a walk in the park. Today we are going to discuss how to safeguard your brain from disease with exercise.

According to the British Journal of Sports Medicine, dementia is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, and more than 150 million people will be living with dementia by 2050. Dementia is an umbrella term for various brain diseases or conditions that negatively impact our thinking abilities.

Currently, there are no accessible and effective drug therapies to delay the onset, avoid progression, or treat any type of dementia. However, recent studies published by the journal Neurology show that exercise may help safeguard your brain from dementia as you age.

In fact, according to the Alzheimer’s Society, of all the lifestyle changes that have been studied, regular physical exercise appears to be one of the best things you can do to reduce your risk of getting dementia.

Which Types Of Exercise Are Best?

Physical activity does not always have to be an intense, demanding activity. Vigorous exercise seems to be best, but even non-traditional exercise, such as doing household chores, can offer a significant benefit and is just as effective at reducing the risk in those with a family history of dementia.

You can incorporate various traditional activities like lifting weights, playing sports, running on a treadmill, and non-traditional exercises to mix things up and make them fun. One study found that the risk of Alzheimer’s disease can be reduced just by performing daily physical tasks such as gardening, cooking, or cleaning. With so many great options to choose from, the best activity for you is whichever you enjoy the most.

Joggers giving each other a high five. Safeguard Your Brain From Disease With Exercise.

Your Age May Increase, But Your Risk Of Dementia Doesn’t Have To

When it comes to reaping the benefits of physical activity, it is never too late to start. Fitness significantly impacts cognitive function in middle age and senior years, and it can increase the number of years you live in good health. In addition to protecting brain function, strength training can also help protect your bones and prevent osteoporosis-related fractures as you age.

Long-term exercise (over months and years) is associated with a larger hippocampus, temporal lobe, and frontal lobe as you age—which are the regions vulnerable to dementia— according to a 2021 review published in Behavioral Brain Research. Evidence of smaller or atrophic hippocampal volume has been found in individuals with dementia.

Healthcare professional informing his patient to increase his exercise.

Although risk factors increase with age, even in those with an average age of 85 and older, only 1 in 3 develop Alzheimer’s. Experts say dementia is not an inevitable part of aging, and by following recommendations like exercise, a healthy diet, and managing blood pressure, we can significantly reduce the risk.

If you’re looking to improve your health and start exercising, check out TRUE’s user-friendly residential bikes, residential treadmills, and strength equipment, or try out TRUE’s at-home workouts today! Using our equipment can help you safeguard your brain from disease with exercise.

A TRUE Kickstart To Summer – Total Body Workout

Summer is officially here and with it is the arrival of longer and hotter days. Some brave souls choose to embrace the heat while most others choose to do their summer workout in the comfort of an air-conditioned gym. This shift in workout conditions combined with our busy schedules can make finding time and motivation a challenge. But, we can’t stop getting our total body workout in.

In this blog, we’ll walk you through a fun total body workout that you can perform indoors with your TRUE cardio equipment.

Workout Structure

In this workout, you’ll have two sections of strength movements in intervals of 40 seconds of work, and 20 seconds of rest. Perform each exercise before moving on to the next. In between each of the strength training sections, there is a cardio set. You will be performing a high-intensity cardio session with varying speed, resistance, and incline levels on your TRUE cardio equipment. This can be done on a bike, elliptical, or treadmill.

Be sure to have a mat and two pairs of dumbbells with one lighter set and the other a moderate weight. Demonstrate the movement beforehand to decide which weight suits you best for that exercise. Repeat each section three to four times or as many as suit your fitness level.

TRUE’s Summer Total Body Workout

Strength Interval Set 1: 40 seconds work/ 20 seconds rest

Check out our At-Home workout video on our YouTube channel for visual reference on these movements.

  • Jumping Rope – With or without a jump rope
  • Seated Arnold Press – Lift your feet off the ground for an added challenge
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Bent-Over Row + Fly
  • Squat Drops

*Repeat 3-4x before moving on to the cardio set

TRUE Cardio Interval Set:

  • 1 min Steady Pace at Light Resistance/Incline.
  • 30 seconds Fast/Challenging Pace at Moderate Resistance/Incline.
  • 15 seconds (Rest) Steady Pace at Moderate Resistance/Incline.
  • 30 seconds Fast/Challenging Pace at Heavy Resistance/Incline.
  • 15 seconds (Rest) Steady Pace at Moderate Resistance/Incline.
  • 30 seconds Fast/Challenging Pace at Heavy Resistance/Incline.

*Repeat 3-4x before moving on to the final strength set

Strength Interval Set 2: 40 seconds work/ 20 seconds rest

Check out our At-Home workout video on our YouTube channel for visual reference on these movements.

  • High-Knee Lateral Shuffle.
  • Ticktock Lunge with Lateral Raise.
  • Push-up Twist.
  • Sumo Squat with Curl and Press.
  • Starfishes – Brace your core with your back flat to the ground.

*Repeat 3-4x before moving on before finalizing the workout

*Please consult your physician or healthcare provider before starting any exercise program. Please immediately stop exercising if you are experiencing pain, dizziness, lightheadedness, blurred vision, headache, nausea, sickness, or any other discomfort.*

Functional Fitness for Golf Season

With golf season in full swing, we want to help you step up your game with some functional fitness tips. We’ve highlighted a few golf workouts you can try on the XT-900 Functional Trainer to help you get the most out of your training. Targeting different muscle groups can help improve your swing speed, power and accuracy. It can also help improve your overall quality of life by strengthening your full body. With that being said, are you ready for your best swing of 2022?

Functionally Fit Down to the Core

Having a strong and stable core is beneficial for many things in your daily life like running errands, enjoying time with your family, work, fitness, and recreational activities. When it comes to golf specifically, having a great golf game requires proper training and consistency. Regularly training your core along with your upper and lower body, will pave a road for success in the long run. If you would like to gain a firm foundation to drive the ball further, try these functional fitness exercises:

Core Workout

One of the main components of your physical foundation would be your core. Improving your core strength allows you to transfer energy, generate force and protect your low back during movement. When it comes to golf fitness, the condition of your core is especially important to help power your swing.

Tip #1

High-to-low Trunk Rotation

Do three sets and choose a weight that will allow you to do 12-15 reps on each side.

1.   Position pulley above user head height.

2.   Stand two feet away from the machine with your left side towards the pulley. Position feet shoulder-width apart with knees slightly bent.

3.   Grasp the handle with the left hand first, followed by the right hand on top of the left hand.

4.   Pull the handle downward and diagonally across the body until it passes the right thigh. Rotate the entire torso and keep the arms fully extended throughout the movement.

5.   Return to start position. Switch sides after the prescribed number of reps.

*Tip: Remember to rotate shoulders and not just the arms. Note the weight distribution from one leg to the other during the exercise.

Muscles worked: abdominals, obliques.

Bonus benefit: Helps improve thoracic spine mobility.

Tip #2

Low-to-high Trunk Rotation

Do three sets and choose a weight that will allow you to do 12-15 reps on each side.

Repeat the instructions above, excluding step #1.

Upper and Lower Body Workout

For your golf swing to be powerful yet controlled, the smaller stabilizing muscles need to be working in sync with the larger force-producing ones. The following two functional exercises will train your balance and target stabilizer muscles from head to toe, as well as the small muscles in the foot and ankle.

Tip #3

Single-leg Pallof Figure 8

Perform three sets of 12 “figure 8”.

1.   Position the pulley at approximately chest height.

2.   Stand with your right side 2-3ft away from the pulley.

3.   Grasp handle with the right hand first, followed by the left hand on top of the right hand. Extend your arms forward at chest level with your hips and shoulders squared.

4.   With arms fully extended and standing on the right leg only, draw a “figure 8”.

5.   Remember to keep the torso and hips stable. Switch sides after the prescribed number of reps.

*Tip: Remember to keep the core engaged to prevent any rotation from occurring. You will also feel your hip rotators working hard to maintain balance and stability.

Muscles worked: Obliques, abdominals, hip rotators.

Tip #4

Single-arm/Single Leg Reverse Fly

Perform three sets of 12 reps.

1.   Position the pulley at the lowest position.

2.   Stand with your right side 2-3ft away from the pulley.

3.   Grasp the handle with your left hand, and stand on your right leg only.

4.   Hinging forward with your torso at a 30-45 degree angle, perform a reverse fly as shown.

5.   Switch sides after completing the set.

Muscles worked: Hip rotators, core, posterior deltoid, mid and lower traps, and rhomboids.


The best way to cool down from these great exercises is with some stretching. You can use the TRUE Stretch Golf to help aid in recovery, reduce your risk of injury and increase mobility.

TRUE Stretch Golf functional fitness workout guide

Should Men And Women Use The Same Protein Powder?

Traditionally, the protein powder industry was dominated by men. Because of this, it’s been a daunting task for women to find protein powders that are tailored to them.

But are there any major differences that women should consider in protein powders that they can’t get from using the protein a man uses? As a woman, you’ve probably checked the label of a loved one’s protein powder and wondered if you should use it?

Here, we’re going to take a look at what the major differences are between women’s and men’s protein. By the end, you’ll be armed with some key points you should remember next time you’re shopping for protein powder and before you start your next workout.

Protein Is… Well… Protein

It’s important to remember that protein is protein no matter the shape or form it comes in. To put it another way, there aren’t specific proteins for women and other kinds of protein for men.

So at least on the surface, there’s no reason you can’t use a protein powder that’s marketed towards men. As a matter of fact, there are some major supplement brands that have started putting varied serving suggestions on their labels for women and men alike.

However, the answer to your question about protein powders for women and men isn’t as simple as that. There’s a strong probability that these “unisex” protein powders aren’t the best ones for you to use. There are several factors you need to take into consideration when making a purchase.

What Are The Major Differences Between Women’s And Men’s Protein Powders?

What Are The Major Differences Between Women's And Men's Protein Powders

Physiologically speaking, women and men are different. As such, it makes a lot of sense that each sex’s nutritional requirements are going to vary.

For example, generally, a woman requires fewer calories, carbs, fats, and proteins than men.

Because of this, it’s common for protein powders for women to have less protein in each serving.

But beyond just the protein content, women’s protein powders typically have additional ingredients that a women’s body needs to stay in top condition.

These ingredients include:

  • Folic Acid is essential for women that are pregnant or trying to be. It also helps women fight the dangers of strokes, heart disease, and several kinds of cancer.
  • Vitamin B6 which helps women maintain healthy immune systems and can help reduce heart disease.
  • Iron which assists red blood cells in the transportation of oxygen throughout the body. Because women lose a lot more blood than men due to their monthly cycle, women need more iron than men in order to fight fatigue or anemia.

Because of these reasons, women’s protein powders typically have a higher content of folic acid, vitamin B6, and Iron.

Additional Key Points To Consider

Additional Key Points To Consider

It’s also important to note the number of sugars that a lot of today’s protein powders use in their formulas. Protein powders, in general, have been known as bland (or in some instances, absolutely disgusting) to the pallet. They’ve tasted synthetic or sometimes completely flavorless.

Because of this, efforts have been made to improve the taste of powders that are sold. This is especially true for powders that are marketed directly to women.

But the best protein powders for women won’t add a lot of sugars just to give users a boost in flavor.

At the same time, don’t always trust brands that are marketed as “zero sugar added.” Often, these brands will use substitutes for sugar, such as sucralose or aspartame. These additives are worse for your body than natural sugar.

If what you’re looking for is a natural solution that doesn’t contain a lot of processed sugar, look for brands that use natural sweeteners such as honey or stevia.

Should You Use The Same Protein Powder As A Man?

Don’t assume that you’re automatically barred from using your boyfriend’s or husband’s amply available protein powder. Using his is definitely better than using nothing at all.

However, now you’re equipped with specific information about what women’s protein powders can do for you, and how it is an improvement over using his.

Be sure to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement or exercise program. Once you receive clearance, you will be ready to begin using a quality women’s protein powder that might be just the thing you need to finally push you toward your ultimate goal.

Protein Use By Men And Women FAQs

Do Women Need Different Protein Than Men?

The Institute of Medicine estimates that, on average, men should get about 56 grams of protein per day and that women should get about 46 grams. It adds that your body breaks down dietary proteins to amino acids.

Do Women Need Different Protein Shakes?

WE'VE ALL BEEN FOOLED! #TheTruth. Unfortunately, many sports nutrition brands over the years have fooled women (& men!!) into thinking that they need different types of whey protein. The truth of the matter is that there isn't a different whey for men & women - it's all the same!!

Can Women Use Any Protein Powder?

Although often associated with men looking to bulk up, these supplements are favored by women as well. In fact, many protein powders are now marketed specifically to women. They're an effective tool for women looking to lose fat, tone up and improve strength.

Do Women Need More Protein Than Men To Gain Muscle?

Everyone, from babies to seniors, men, and women, needs to consume enough protein. Compared to men, though, women are more likely to be consuming a less-than-optimal amount. Make sure you and your female clients know just how important protein is in the diet. It does much more than build big muscles.

Do Female Athletes Need More Protein Than Male Athletes?

Female athletes in team sports need 50 percent more protein than non-active males: U of T study. Macronutrients are an athlete's best friend. Carbohydrates and fat provide athletes with fuel and energy, but protein is what allows their bodies to recover from the physical demands of sports and exercise.

TRUE Home Workout Tips: Treadmill Program

Looking for an at-home cardio program? We have you covered! Today we are sharing a 30 minute #TRUETreadmill program designed for intermediate to advanced users. ⁠⠀⁠⠀
Try incorporating this program 1 to 2 times per week! ⁠If you’re looking to add a treadmill to your home gym, be sure to check out our lineup of premium commercial-grade treadmills and experience the difference of Soft Select.

Intermediate to Advanced Treadmill Program:

Intermediate to Advanced Walking Program:

TRUE is here to support you! What workout tips would you like to see next?⁠⠀

TRUE At-Home Workouts


We want to you in light of the COVID-19 outbreak. Our new at-home trainer tip series was created to support you in your home fitness.

Our new at-home trainer tips series will offer exercises that require no equipment that you can try at home. If you’re looking to mix it up, you can also add in some treadmill or elliptical exercises if available!

We want to hear from you! Let us know what trainer tips you want to see next on our Facebook or Instagram!

Check out our At-Home Workout Series here.

Best Ways To Speed Up Recovery After A Tough Workout

Fitness is a lifelong journey, and no matter if your goal is to build lean muscle mass, shred that excess fat off your belly, become stronger, or if you’re looking to achieve all of those things, there is no denying that you need to be consistent and productive at the gym. What’s more, it’s important that you progress over time, and to do that, you will need to up the intensity of your workouts little by little to make your body change, and to reach your goals. Now, while you are doing all of this, and as you’re pushing your limits in training, you’re bound to come across some recovery issues if you’re not careful. That’s why you will need to know the best ways to speed up recovery.

Contrary to popular belief, you are not actually building lean muscle, getting stronger, or shredding fat during your workout. It’s during the recovery process that your body employs the necessary mechanisms to make you lose weight or slowly build new muscle tissue, which is why your no.1 priority should be to optimize recovery, especially if you’re following a strenuous workout program. Here are the best ways you can speed up post-workout recovery, avoid injury, and achieve results faster.

Consume Plenty Of Protein

First and foremost, you have probably heard by now that working out is just a single part of the fitness puzzle, and while it is true that you need to be consistent and dedicated in training, you need to remember that you won’t be able to achieve your fitness goals if your diet is not on point. Now, while it is important to balance out your protein, carb, and fat intake on a daily basis, keep in mind that protein will always be your most important macronutrient.

Protein allows you to build lean muscle mass, and it helps with fat burning as well, but most importantly for today’s topic, it aids total-body recovery. Protein should be the essential macronutrient in your post-workout nutrition plan, and generally, you will want to eat a gram of protein per pound of body weight.

During the recovery process, your body is craving protein because it needs to obtain the building blocks necessary to create lean muscle tissue, which is why you can’t substitute this crucial nutrient with carbohydrates or fats. Finally, science has confirmed that there is no such thing as an anabolic window after a workout, and that muscle-protein synthesis is elevated for at least 24 hours after training, so make sure you spread out your protein intake evenly to help your body recover throughout this period.

Spend Enough Time Cooling Down

A woman spending some time cooling down after her workout.

Many people will exercise so hard and spend so much time at the gym that they will have zero energy and zero willpower to spend time cooling down, stretching, and foam rolling. That said, simply walking out of the gym immediately after a tough workout is the last thing you want to do if you’re looking to stifle muscle soreness and optimize recovery in time for the next training session. Instead, you want to spend at least ten minutes on your cool-down routine, which should include mobility and flexibility training, as well as deep muscle relaxation.

Use this time to get a deep stretch in all of those key areas that work the most during training, such as your back muscles, your pecs, your glutes and hamstrings, your shoulders, and your quadriceps. This will promote blood flow and help you recover quickly.

Don’t Forget The Importance Of Stretching

Optimize Your Supplementation

Supplements are just that – an aid you can use to reach your fitness goals a bit faster, which means that you can’t use supplements to negate the effects of a bad diet plan, a poorly-devised workout routine, or a sedentary lifestyle. Provided that you are doing everything else right, you can use certain supplements such as the essential amino acids to speed up the recovery process, and support your overall health in order to avoid injuries down the road. You can include supplements in your post-workout routine, but keep in mind that you should have a healthy intra-workout routine as well.

In the case of intra-workout drinks, there are numerous benefits to using BCAA and EAA powder supplements for people who are looking to improve recovery over the long term, as these amino acids help support CNS recovery and the proper functioning of your immune system, all the while preventing muscle breakdown and fatigue. Combined with a daily multivitamin and certain minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and zinc, BCAAs and EAAs can help you create a sustainable fitness plan that won’t allow you to burn yourself out.

Stick To Active Recovery

A woman sticking to active recovery with her dog.

Just because you’re finished with your workout doesn’t mean that you can become a couch potato, or that you shouldn’t move a muscle until your next workout, because this will not only hinder recovery but will also hinder your progress in the gym. Ask any experienced athlete and they will tell you that one of the keys to their success is being active throughout the day.

This doesn’t mean that they are exercising all of the time, though, it simply means that they are not spending their time staring at the TV, and are instead walking their dogs, doing some light yoga, going out dancing and having fun, and just being active. This is also a great time to walk on your TRUE® treadmill or elliptical.

In a nutshell, this promotes healthy blood flow and keeps your muscles engaged throughout the day to avoid stiffness, fatigue, and soreness. You don’t have to worry about active recovery too much, simply aim to enrich your daily routine with healthy habits, or if you’re sitting at your desk most of the time at work, be sure to get up every hour, and just walk around for a bit.

Optimize Your Sleep Schedule

And finally, always remember that the best post-workout recovery tool is to simply get some quality shut-eye. There is nothing that can replace the restorative benefits of a good night’s sleep, so make sure that you’re turning in every night at the same time, and that you’re getting a solid eight-hour sleep cycle throughout the week. Do this for a while, you will start feeling more energized, positive, relaxed, and ready to take on every workout no matter how tough it may be.

Wrapping Up

In your desire to achieve the physique of your dreams or to reach your weight goals, you might push yourself in training a bit too much. While it is important that you optimize your workouts so that you don’t burn yourself out, it’s also important to stick with these tips in order to make every training session as productive as possible, avoid injuries, and speed up recovery like a professional athlete.

5 Fitness Tips To Help You See Impressive Results

Being fit has many physical and mental benefits for your health. However, many people may not understand what it fully requires to fully reach their goals. Follow these 5 fitness tips to help you see impressive results.

1. Stay Consistent

Consistency will lead you on the road to success the quickest. It doesn’t matter what your goals are. If you have consistency and develop a routine that you know that you can rely on, it will lead to you reaching your goals quicker.

For example, if you want to lose weight, you should be consistent in your cardio exercise regimen. This consistency cannot just stop at your physical exercise, though. This consistency has to extend into another important part of your routine, which is your diet.

2. Watch Your Diet

Maintain a good diet to reach your fitness goals.

Many people only focus on the gym and exercise component of attaining fitness goals. As mentioned before, your diet is one of the most important parts of your fitness regimen, but having a great diet, regardless of your fitness goals, will impact whether or not you are successful in your goals as much or more than actual exercise. This is because your body will reflect what you eat and your diet can either progress your goals further or set you back.

It may be helpful for you to keep a log of what you eat and determine which foods you need to eliminate and which foods you need to add. In addition, you also want to be mindful of when you are eating, because it can also affect your performance in the gym.

For those who are bodybuilding or looking to build muscle, it’s recommended to incorporate some kind of carbohydrates before a workout session, and then have a protein-heavy meal once you are finished to speed up the recovery process. Protein shakes are a popular commodity in this regard. However, different protein powders can have different vitamins, minerals, and ingredients that can be more effective for men or women.

Ladies can check out a variety of protein powders to see what’s available for their needs. There tend to be more protein powders available for men that already have the extra minerals and vitamins included to help them get gains. So when guys are searching for the best protein powder, it’s better to decide if they’re trying to get lean or gain weight.

3. Have Realistic Expectations

Having the right mindset is imperative to achieve the fitness goals of any kind, and it starts by having realistic expectations. If you don’t like what you see in the mirror, then you have to work hard to see a change. However, if you are looking to shed some pounds and reduce your waistline, you can’t expect it to be done within a week.

Realistic expectations directly correlate with being consistent. Gaining weight means you will need to take the time to increase the amount of food in your diet and the number of weight-bearing activities that you engage in.

Losing weight will take a gradual amount of time with you engaging in vigorous cardio and making healthy choices. Your body cannot adapt to the changes that you plan to make overnight.

4. Hire A Trainer

A trainer helping a client reach their goals

You don’t have to achieve your fitness goals alone. Getting a certified trainer can help expedite the process because the odds are pretty great that they have already achieved the goals you are trying to achieve.

While some people may be nervous about working with someone out of fear of embarrassment, a fitness trainer will not only teach you the fundamentals of what you are trying to achieve, but they will hold you accountable and push you to reach your goals. Besides, it can be nice to have support from someone who knows how to work out to get the results you want, and what kind of fitness equipment and accessories you need to help you obtain those results. By the end of your regimen, you will feel more motivated to keep engaging in habits that will give you the body you want.

5. Stay Active

Finally, one of the most important things that you can do to help your exercise routine is to remain active in whatever you do. For those seeking to lose weight, this is especially important. One of the biggest risk factors of being overweight is living a sedentary lifestyle.

This means that it is entirely possible that you spend a lot of time sitting down or being inactive. Even if you are at home, try moving around. Find 20 minutes or so a day and take a walk around the neighborhood. Remaining active will not only benefit your health tremendously, but it will keep you in an active, fit mindset.

As you can see, being fit requires a lot of discipline and consistency on your end. However, if you follow all of these tips, you are sure to get the results that you desire.

TRUE QuickFit & Treadmill Total Body Workout

Exercises Disclaimer: The exercises provided by TRUE Fitness are for educational purposes only, and is not to be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific treatment plan, product, or course of action. Exercise is not without its risks, and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. To reduce the risk of injury, before beginning this or any exercise program, please consult a healthcare provider for appropriate exercise prescription and safety precautions. The exercise instruction and advice presented are in no way intended as a substitute for medical consultation. TRUE disclaims any liability from and in connection with this program.

Exercise Goals

The QuickFit and Treadmill Total Body Workout are designed using elements of the High-Intensity Circuit Training  (HICT) principle. HICT involves combining both cardio and resistance training in the same workout, alternating upper and lower body moves as well as high-intensity and lower-intensity exercises for a total body workout. The idea is a challenging, total body routine that helps improve strength, endurance, and weight loss in less time. By equipping your home with TRUE’s QuickFit and Treadmill, there are up to 15 different combinations to keep your workouts fresh and prevent boredom.

Before beginning this workout, be sure to complete a proper warm-up consisting of light cardio, some basic stretching, or foam rolling. Since this workout requires a strength machine, you may want to perform a few reps in your warm-up so you can be sure you have a proper weight selection in mind when you use the QuickFit during the actual workout set.

To adjust this workout for your skill level there are a few things to consider:

  • For A Beginner User: Use a weight that is moderately challenging but enables you to keep the perfect form with every rep.
  • For An Intermediate User: Use a weight that is challenging to complete all your sets/reps.
  • For An Advanced User: Use a weight that is very challenging to complete all your sets/reps. Do not rest between rounds.

Proper Forms To Remember For This Workout

To reduce the chances of injury during a workout, it is essential that you stick to proper forms while exercising. In this workout, remember the following forms for the QuickFit, treadmill, and bodyweight exercises:


First, adjust your weight selection and grab the low handles and bring them up to your shoulders. Your hands should be touching the outside of your shoulder. Then, straddle the bench and start with your feet about shoulder-width apart with your toes pointing outward about 30 degrees. Keep even pressure from heel to toe, you should feel your weight mid-foot. Bend at your knees and hips at the same time, while pushing your knees out. Keep going down till you are below the height of a chair (lower than you want to go). When standing back up try to push your hips to the ceiling, then stand up straight.


Adjust the weight stack to the desired resistance. Be sure to adjust the back of the seat down and grab the middle pulleys. Check to be sure the seat handle is NOT allowing the seat to slide. Put your feet on the foot platform facing the QuickFit, reach forward and grab the rowing handles with a shoulder-width grip. Keeping your back tight and upright, pull the handles toward your mid-chest. Your elbows should track slightly toward your ribs. At the end of the rep be sure to squeeze your shoulder blades together and down. Return the handles forward and repeat. Do not let the weight stack slam back down.


Set your treadmill to the highest incline setting you feel comfortable at and increase the speed to 3mph.

Leg Press

Be sure to adjust your weight stack heavier here than the row. Keep your feet on the same foot platform and this time point your toes outward about 15-30 degrees. Your knees should be bent a little past 90 degrees. Once set up properly, keep even pressure from heel to toe, you should feel the weight mid-foot. Grab the handle about shoulder width; keep your back flat and chest up. Keep your knees pushed out and push into the platform until your legs reach almost full extension, do not lock out or “hyperextend” your knees. Return back to the starting position slowly until the weight stack is just above the resting position and press again.

Seated Chest Press

Adjust the weight stack to the desired resistance and be sure the back pad is up. Facing away from the QuickFit sit-down and grab the same rowing handles as before. These should be set around mid-chest height still. With your elbows in close to your side and hands around your mid-chest begin by pushing the handles straight out away from you. Do so until your arms are fully extended.  Let the handles return back to the same starting position near your chest and repeat.


Get up to speed at the fastest sprint you can safely do, and hold that speed for 30 seconds. Be aware of your lower body strength and slow down if your legs start to feel fatigued. The overall goal on the treadmill is to go for half of a mile as fast and as safe as possible.


With a Burpee, you want to go from a standing position to a prone position (lying on your chest) and back to a standing position. To do this efficiently you will “flop” yourself to the floor using the least necessary control so as to not hurt yourself or smash your face. Once your chest touches the floor, immediately push yourself up and jump your feet underneath you and stand back up with your feet leaving the floor in the standing position. That is one rep. A quick YouTube search will help you out if you are feeling confused.

Final Thoughts

Always focus on the form with each movement and rep. This is very important for lower body movements because lack of proper form could lead to knee or back injuries, especially on the Squat and Leg Press. Make each set somewhat challenging but not to the point where your form begins to fail. Log your weights used and simply repeat this workout in a week or so to see how much better you have gotten. Make sure you stay active, eat enough food, and rest enough in between workouts. All these factors will help you recover faster.

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