Blog Beginner Fitness Tips

Functional Fitness for Golf Season


With golf season in full swing, we want to help you step up your game with some functional fitness tips. We’ve highlighted a few golf workouts you can try on the XT-900 Functional Trainer to help you get the most out of your training. Targeting different muscle groups can help improve your swing speed, power and accuracy. It can also help improve your overall quality of life by strengthening your full body. With that being said, are you ready for your best swing of 2022?

Functionally Fit Down to the Core

Having a strong and stable core is beneficial for many things in your daily life like running errands, enjoying time with your family, work, fitness, and recreational activities. When it comes to golf specifically, having a great golf game requires proper training and consistency. Regularly training your core along with your upper and lower body, will pave a road for success in the long run. If you would like to gain a firm foundation to drive the ball further, try these functional fitness exercises:

Core Workout

One of the main components of your physical foundation would be your core. Improving your core strength allows you to transfer energy, generate force and protect your low back during movement. When it comes to golf fitness, the condition of your core is especially important to help power your swing.

Tip #1

High-to-low Trunk Rotation

Do three sets and choose a weight that will allow you to do 12-15 reps on each side.

1.   Position pulley above user head height.

2.   Stand two feet away from the machine with your left side towards the pulley. Position feet shoulder-width apart with knees slightly bent.

3.   Grasp the handle with the left hand first, followed by the right hand on top of the left hand.

4.   Pull the handle downward and diagonally across the body until it passes the right thigh. Rotate the entire torso and keep the arms fully extended throughout the movement.

5.   Return to start position. Switch sides after the prescribed number of reps.

*Tip: Remember to rotate shoulders and not just the arms. Note the weight distribution from one leg to the other during the exercise.

Muscles worked: abdominals, obliques.

Bonus benefit: Helps improve thoracic spine mobility.

Tip #2

Low-to-high Trunk Rotation

Do three sets and choose a weight that will allow you to do 12-15 reps on each side.

Repeat the instructions above, excluding step #1.

Upper and Lower Body Workout

For your golf swing to be powerful yet controlled, the smaller stabilizing muscles need to be working in sync with the larger force-producing ones. The following two functional exercises will train your balance and target stabilizer muscles from head to toe, as well as the small muscles in the foot and ankle.

Tip #3

Single-leg Pallof Figure 8

Perform three sets of 12 “figure 8”.

1.   Position the pulley at approximately chest height.

2.   Stand with your right side 2-3ft away from the pulley.

3.   Grasp handle with the right hand first, followed by the left hand on top of the right hand. Extend your arms forward at chest level with your hips and shoulders squared.

4.   With arms fully extended and standing on the right leg only, draw a “figure 8”.

5.   Remember to keep the torso and hips stable. Switch sides after the prescribed number of reps.

*Tip: Remember to keep the core engaged to prevent any rotation from occurring. You will also feel your hip rotators working hard to maintain balance and stability.

Muscles worked: Obliques, abdominals, hip rotators.

Tip #4

Single-arm/Single Leg Reverse Fly

Perform three sets of 12 reps.

1.   Position the pulley at the lowest position.

2.   Stand with your right side 2-3ft away from the pulley.

3.   Grasp the handle with your left hand, and stand on your right leg only.

4.   Hinging forward with your torso at a 30-45 degree angle, perform a reverse fly as shown.

5.   Switch sides after completing the set.

Muscles worked: Hip rotators, core, posterior deltoid, mid and lower traps, and rhomboids.


The best way to cool down from these great exercises is with some stretching. You can use the TRUE Stretch Golf to help aid in recovery, reduce your risk of injury and increase mobility.

TRUE Stretch Golf functional fitness workout guide