3 Spring Activities that Give You a Workout

The spring season is a great time to open the windows, get out of the house and start sprucing up the yard and the house. Not only does it feel good to get rid of any unused items and clean up the yard after a harsh winter, but these activities are a great form of exercise as well! Stay active this spring while knocking a few chores off the list at the same time by completing these, and many more activities: Continue reading “3 Spring Activities that Give You a Workout”

4 Exercises You Can Do With Your Toddler

You exercised while you were pregnant and stayed fit after your baby was born. Now that your child is a toddler, you’re wondering how you can squeeze in your workouts while meeting the demands of being a parent. It’s simple: incorporate your toddler into your exercise routine. You’ll get your exercise in for the day while spending quality time with your toddler. Continue reading “4 Exercises You Can Do With Your Toddler”

4 Lessons Fitness Can Teach Your Kids

As adults, we know that we need to exercise in order to keep ourselves healthy, but how does that affect our children? You’d be surprised. By staying physically active, your children will be more likely to exercise as well. In addition, children who regularly witness their parents exercising will also gain some important life lessons. Continue reading “4 Lessons Fitness Can Teach Your Kids”

How to Help Your Teen Stay Healthy Through Puberty


When your children begin to go through puberty, it can be a difficult time for them. There’s unhealthy peer pressure, recess and childish games are replaced with more sedentary activities, and you have less control over their lives from what they eat to how much physical activity they get. But that doesn’t mean that your kids have to lead an unhealthy lifestyle. Continue reading “How to Help Your Teen Stay Healthy Through Puberty”

5 Fun Halloween-Inspired Workouts for the Whole Family

Boy in halloween costume

Halloween is two days away, so what better way to get the kids active than planning some fun Halloween-inspired fitness activities? Keeping the whole family active will not only be a fun family activity, but also offset the lots of goodies everyone will most likely be enjoying that night and for the next couple of weeks. Continue reading “5 Fun Halloween-Inspired Workouts for the Whole Family”

Raise a Healthier Kid with These 5 Steps

It seems like our lives are busier than ever–especially in the lives of our kids. As we shuffle them around from one activity to the next, it often means there’s less time spent preparing healthy meals for them and making sure they’re getting enough exercise. As a parent, there are several things you can do to ensure your child grows up healthy. Continue reading “Raise a Healthier Kid with These 5 Steps”

Let’s Get Real About Youth Sport Concussions

RES lets get real about youth sport concussionsThe rate of youth concussions in contact sports is on the rise and parents all over the country have voiced their concerns on whether their children should be participating in such “dangerous” activities. The University of Kansas Hospital recently shared an article revealing the facts and myths regarding concussions. Continue reading “Let’s Get Real About Youth Sport Concussions”