3 Workouts to Get Over a Workday Slump

You’ve been working hard all morning and need a pick-me-up. Instead of reaching for a soda during lunch, take the time to get in some exercise instead. Exercising will reduce stress and make you feel more energized for the rest of the work day. For five minutes each, here are three workouts you can do in the office during your lunch hour: Continue reading “3 Workouts to Get Over a Workday Slump”

4 Exercises You Can Do With Your Toddler

You exercised while you were pregnant and stayed fit after your baby was born. Now that your child is a toddler, you’re wondering how you can squeeze in your workouts while meeting the demands of being a parent. It’s simple: incorporate your toddler into your exercise routine. You’ll get your exercise in for the day while spending quality time with your toddler. Continue reading “4 Exercises You Can Do With Your Toddler”