Setting Realistic Fitness Goals For The New Year

The New Year is almost upon us and that means many people making resolutions to finally get fit in 2018. While setting this lofty goal is made with good intentions, it is also a good way to lose your resolution motivation quickly.

Here are some tips on setting realistic fitness goals and keeping yourself motivated during the New Year: Continue reading “Setting Realistic Fitness Goals For The New Year”

Kick Those Bad Eating Habits

Now that we are through the holidays with all of the cookie baking and comfort foods, let’s get back on track. Kicking bad eating habits can be a difficult task, but so rewarding. Even if you are someone who is trying to begin eating healthy, these tips will work for you as well.

Take a look at everything that you are eating. Does it seem healthy to you? How many sugary items are you consuming in a day? How does your body feel? Are you reaching your goals by eating this way or has nothing changed? Whether it’s foods filled with sugar, salt, or fat, it can be managed. These questions will show you what needs to be taken out of your daily food intake or just changed to a healthier option. Continue reading “Kick Those Bad Eating Habits”

Nope, Not This Year!

You have to be tired of making the same plan every year. You might even be adding to the list because you didn’t achieve it the year before. How can we all want something so bad but not be able to quit doing the things that take us farther away from those goals? Continue reading “Nope, Not This Year!”

Beat the Resolution Lag: Staying Fit Past January

iStock_000035655532_DoubleMany of us get ourselves pretty excited at the start of the New Year. We tell ourselves we really will keep our New Year’s resolutions this year no matter what. But when the hype of the holiday season is over, finding the motivation to stick to our promises gets gradually more difficult.

Fitness resolutions are one of the top three resolutions people make for themselves each year. Not surprisingly, they are also the top resolutions that people fail to follow through with every year. If you find yourself lagging on your hopes and dreams of a healthy, fit body, try these tricks to stay motivated: Continue reading “Beat the Resolution Lag: Staying Fit Past January”