How To Avoid Overeating On Thanksgiving (And Other Major Holidays)

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and that means a delicious holiday feast with family and friends. Not to mention the obligatory office party! Learn how to avoid overeating on Thanksgiving (and other major holidays).

With all of these rich holiday foods and sweets, it can be easy to get carried away and overeat. Here are some easy ways to prevent overeating this Thanksgiving, and on other major holidays.

Don’t Skip Meals

Since the holidays are a time of indulgence, it is tempting to skip meals so you’ll have “more room” for your favorite holiday foods. Don’t!

Skipping meals is a big factor in holiday overeating.

Whether your family eats the Thanksgiving meal around lunchtime or for dinner, it is essential that you eat a good, healthy meal before the main event to prevent eating too much later in the day.

Use A Smaller Plate

Using a smaller plate tricks your eye into thinking that you have more food than you actually do, causing you to eat less. If possible, ask the host for a smaller plate. If it is tradition to use your great-grandmother’s china plates or no smaller plates are available, take smaller portions instead.

Remember Portion Control

We love our holiday foods and tend to indulge as much as possible since we won’t get them again until next year. Since many meals are served buffet-style, it is essential that you remember to control your portions and take only a small scoop or piece of food each.

If the food is plated for you, politely request smaller portions.

To check whether your portions are correct, use your hand for guidance. For example, a portion of salad would be two fists put together.

Be Mindful Of Body Signals

When eating dinner, periodically. If you are feeling satisfied, that is, not hungry but not overly full, you’re done eating for this meal. Occasionally stopping during the meal will help your brain catch up to your body to determine how full it actually is. Not to mention it will give you the opportunity to catch up with family and friends.

If you find that your stomach is still growling, you can get seconds—just remember to take small portions!

Eat Slowly

It may be tempting to eat quickly so you can get to your favorite dessert, but slow it down. Eating too fast makes you consume more calories before your body realizes that have eaten too much.

Take small bites and thoroughly chew your food before swallowing. Not only does this slow down your eating, but will help you better enjoy the flavors of your food.

Don’t Feel Guilty

If you find that you have accidentally overeaten, don’t beat yourself up over it! It is okay to treat yourself every once in a while and as long as you continue to eat healthily, keep up with your exercise, and not overindulge all the time you’ll be fine.

If you’re concerned that you’ll continue to overindulge, ask a trusted friend or family member to give you a little reminder nudge if they spot you reaching for another slice of pie. With the right support system, you’ll find yourself staying honest.

Up Next: 5 Healthy Thanksgiving Traditions

Your Guide to Healthy & Happy Holidays

It’s time to end associating the holidays with unhealthy habits and get a head start on your New Year fitness plans. The end of the year signifies celebration – but the celebration does not have to mean gluttony or inactivity. Fend off the “winter weight” by following this simple guide:

Stock Your Kitchen with Healthy Foods

During the holiday season, it seems like sweets are more accessible and abundant. To counteract those neighbors who brought over their famous fudge, balance these foods by buying healthier options for your family to snack on, like fruits. The more convenient the healthy snack, the more likely your family is to eat it. Wash and package fruits and vegetables for a snack that is just as easy to access as any other snack.

Track Your “Unhealthy” Food Intake

In an ideal world, we would all be able to say no to any unhealthy food that may make its way onto the holiday party table. Since reality is less than ideal, use an app to track caloric intake for the day that way you can visualize the number of unhealthy snacks you eat each day versus your daily activity level. Then, you can see how much you consume per day and can adjust accordingly.

Stay Physically Active

While it’s important to be physically active throughout the year, it’s always a little harder to find motivation during the winter season. It’s easier to stay curled up in bed than to put on gym clothes and go out into the cold to exercise. Holiday festivities keep schedules busy, so it’s easy to miss a workout or two. To keep yourself active during the winter without getting bored, try these winter activities to stay fit and fend off “winter weight”:

  • Sledding
  • Skiing
  • Ice skating
  • Snow shoveling
  • Snowboarding

These are not the only activities though – keep up more traditional forms of exercise by:

Get Plenty of Rest

With the holiday rush and parties to attend, this time of the year is one of the busiest. Just remember to take some time for yourself and use this time off of school and work to catch up on some must-needed rest. With plenty of rest, you will not only feel better but recuperated and re-energized to start off 2017 on the right foot.

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