In order to lose weight and be healthy, you do not have to completely cut out all of your favorite foods; you just have to increase your workouts in order to compensate! Next time you’re in the mood for something not-so-healthy, don’t sweat it (till later)! Remember that it is okay and you can make up for it later at the gym…just make sure you actually do. Courtesy of, below is a recipe for the “World’s Best Lasagna,” along with all of the nutritional information and the workout it will take to burn off those pesky calories right off! Continue reading “Work Off Unhealthy Meals with Equal Calorie Burning Workouts”
Category: Bike Equipment Tips
Day-of-the-Week Workout Routine
An easy way to keep yourself on schedule with your workouts is to develop a routine so that it becomes second-nature. Dedicating each day of the week to a specific exercise, or area of focus, is an easy way to do this! Spreading a full workout into separate daily sessions will motivate you to keep working out all week long, so that you can target all areas. Completing a full body workout in one day may convince you that it was good enough for a few days. However, if you dedicate one day to legs, one day to arms, and so on, it will make you WANT to complete your small daily workout in order to get closer to accomplishing your overall full body workout. Here are a few suggestions for a day-of-the-week workout routine: Continue reading “Day-of-the-Week Workout Routine”
How A Strict Fitness Routine Can Actually Harm Your Workout Results
Many people think that getting into a strict routine of working out is the best way to generate results. However, this can actually make each workout less effective. Getting into the routine of working out regularly is great, but too often people complete the same workouts, on the same equipment each time they work out. Unfortunately, this approach is counterproductive. In order to ensure you are getting the best results out of each and every workout you complete, you have to mix them up!
How Can A Strict Fitness Routine Harm Your Workout Results
An easy way to satisfy working out while not falling into a strict workout regimen is to combine cardio and strength training workouts while mixing it up workouts within those categories as well. For cardio workouts try mixing it up between speed walking, running, elliptical, biking/cycling, jump rope, etc. If it’s getting your heart rate up, it’s cardio! Also, gradually increase the distance and intensity levels of your workouts each time you complete them in order to keep your muscles consistently challenged.
For strength training it’s even simpler; hit the gym and start trying out different pieces of equipment that target different areas of the body. For example, one day work on your legs, a few days later work on your arms, etc. The combinations are endless when you continually switch up which exercises you complete; this will keep your body from getting used to the workout and in turn, keep your body constantly working out to its full potential.
Give your cycling workout a boost with these tips

Home exercise bikes can provide you with a great workout by enhancing your cardiovascular system and strengthening leg muscles, among many other benefits. However, in order to make the most of your at-home bike, it’s important that you’re working out in the right way. Simply going through the motions won’t be what you need to help you reach your goals. Instead, make the most of your cycling workout with these effective tips: Continue reading “Give your cycling workout a boost with these tips”
Bike MS-Riding for a Cure
Multiple Sclerosis, often referred to as MS, is a chronic disease which involves damaging of the nerves located in the brain and spinal cord (aka the central nervous system). Symptoms of this disease range widely, which makes it difficult to pin-point whether or not an individual is suffering from this particular disease or not. Continue reading “Bike MS-Riding for a Cure”
Want to up your cycling game? Try these 5 exercises!
Anyone who spends their time on home gym equipment pumping the pedals of a stationary bike knows that it takes a fully rounded workout program to continue meeting and improving goals.
In addition to spending time on your home exercise bike for cardio workouts, it’s important to strengthen the muscles needed to cycle so you can become stronger and faster with better endurance and stamina. While some might think they just need to work their lower body since that does most of the cycling work, you should actually strengthen both the upper and lower body as well as the core to see real gains in your riding. Having good back and abdominal strength ensures that you’re using proper posture, and strong arms and chest make holding onto the handles and supporting your weight less strenuous. Of course, stronger legs mean you can pedal harder and faster. Continue reading “Want to up your cycling game? Try these 5 exercises!”
Tips to become a better cyclist
Whether you hop on your stationary bike because you enjoy the exhilarating cardio workout or you love the sport and are training for various races, finding ways to improve as a cyclist is always a worthwhile goal.
While racers might be interested in learning how to become more agile, faster or have better endurance, exercisers could be looking to lose more weight, improve their post  or strengthen their lower body. Whatever the case may be, striving to become a better cyclist is important for growth, avoiding fitness plateaus and overcoming boredom. Continue reading “Tips to become a better cyclist”
Workout not working? This could be why!
For those of you who have been logging hour after hour on your home gym equipment but not achieving the sort of results you were hoping for, it could be a sign that your workout is not working for you.
This can happen once you’ve spent a good amount of time engaging in physical activity, and it gives you an opportunity to reassess your fitness plan. Not only can you re-evaluate your current workout regimen, but it’s also a chance to think back on your goals and determine if you’re on the right course. Maybe when you started you were hoping to lose so many pounds, but looking back, you might realize you don’t need to drop weight so much as you need to replace fat with muscle. Or, if your initial goal was to run faster on your fitness treadmill such as the True PS100 Home Treadmill, you might now realize that you actually need to improve your endurance levels first. Continue reading “Workout not working? This could be why!”
5 ways to make that workout fly by
We’ve all been there: Whether you work out all the time or are just beginning a fitness routine, the motivation to spend time in your home gym is sometimes lacking. You may be stressed from work, not feeling 100 percent or would just rather sit on the couch watching your favorite TV show. Whatever the case may be, we all need a little push sometimes to get on that home exercise equipment.
Sometimes the problem is that a 60- or even 30-minute session can feel like it drags on forever. This can cause you to lose focus, which can lessen the intensity of a session on your True M50 Home Treadmill, or, even worse, cause you to forget proper form while riding your stationary bike. Continue reading “5 ways to make that workout fly by”