Multiple Sclerosis, often referred to as MS, is a chronic disease which involves damaging of the nerves located in the brain and spinal cord (aka the central nervous system). Symptoms of this disease range widely, which makes it difficult to pin-point whether or not an individual is suffering from this particular disease or not.
Medications have been developed to treat the symptoms of MS, but no cure or complete understanding has been discovered at this time. Symptoms often come and go, and can include loss of vision, numbness, speech and muscular impairment, and extreme fatigue. Symptoms also vary on levels of severity, which contributes to the dilemma of diagnosis. In the United States alone, about 350,000 people are suffering from this progressing disease. In order to raise awareness and make a difference, TRUE has decided to partner up with the MS society. This organization hosts MS cycling events that take place all over the country in order to raise money and awareness to this perplexing disease. Millions of dollars are raised and thousands of riders come out to show their support and ride at these events.
To show our support, TRUE has developed the Bike MS, an exercise cycling bike that will help raise awareness to this troubling disease and to those who are affected by it. TRUE is a proud supporter of the MS Society and welcomes everyone to show their support by participating in the MS cycling events throughout the country and proudly display the Bike MS in their home or gym. TRUE is honored to have this amazing opportunity to give back and encourages everyone to show their support in any way that they can! Bike MS will be available online for retail settings and can be purchased beginning in November, and pre-ordered starting in October. Click for more information about TRUE Fitness or the MS Society.