The best food to keep your heart healthy

Having a healthy heart is key for living a long and happy life. Cardio exercise is a huge part of the process, and the TRUE HRC Cruise Controlâ„¢ available on TRUE Fitness treadmills makes it possible for you to maintain your target heart rate throughout your workout, keeping that all-important muscular organ healthy and strong. But there’s even more that you can do! Incorporate these superfoods into your diet for the healthiest heart possible:

1. Almonds
Almonds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which evidence suggests can boost your heart health. They also contain vitamins B2 and E (which destroys free radicals related to heart disease), magnesium and zinc.

2. Salmon
Incorporating salmon into your diet can reduce your blood pressure and boost your cardiovascular protection. Like almonds, salmon is also rich in omega-3s. For maximum health benefits, eat wild salmon – not farmed.

3. Oatmeal
Oatmeal has been proven to be extremely effective when it comes to lowering your cholesterol and keeping your arteries free of clogs. Just make sure you avoid any instant or flavored oatmeal – they contain a ton of processed sugar.

4. Asparagus
Asparagus is not only low in calories, but it also contains folate and vitamins C and D, which are heart-healthy and anti-inflammatory. It’s best to buy asparagus during the spring or summer when it’s more likely to be fresh and locally grown.

5. Blueberries
Dark berries like blueberries are full of antioxidants. They also contain anti-inflammatories, which can reduce your risk of coronary disease and cancer. Throw some on top of your oatmeal for an extra heart-healthy meal!

6. Green tea
Although it’s not exactly “food,” green tea can lower hypertension. Drink a cup or two to soak in its multiple antioxidants, which have cardiovascular benefits such as the ability to reduce blood clots.

7. Dark chocolate
Chocolate lovers around the world, rejoice! Dark chocolate that contains at least 70 percent cocoa has been linked to lower blood pressure. It can also help increase your blood flow and relax your arteries.

8. Soy
Soy is high in isoflavones, which help reduce cholesterol. It’s also low in saturated fat, making it the perfect addition to your heart-healthy diet.

9. Avocado
Avocados are packed with monounsaturated fats (what experts call “the good fats”), which help lower cholesterol and minimize blood clots. Add a bit to your daily lunchtime meal for a tasty way to help your heart.

How to breathe during a cardio workout

There's an art to running. And while many exercise enthusiasts take care to maintain proper form while working out on their home treadmills, having the right breathing technique often goes by the wayside, even though it can make it possible to run longer with less effort.

"Runners think about training their heart and legs, but they rarely think about training their lungs," Mindy Solkin, owner of The Running Center in New York City, told Runner's World. "A strong respiratory system can improve your running. It's a simple equation: Better breathing equals more oxygen for your muscles, and that equals more endurance."

While having great fitness equipment, such as the TRUE PS300 treadmill, can help motivate you to run farther and longer by providing the tools you need to meet your fitness and weight loss goals (its eight preset programs make working out a no-brainer), it's difficult to run very long without breathing properly.

There are a few approaches that runners can take to train themselves to have breathing techniques that will enable them to run well. Firstly, runners should practice breathing deeply. Your body needs to deliver a constant supply of oxygen to its muscles during a run to provide the strength and energy needed to keep going, and this can't be accomplished without deep breaths from the diaphragm.

"When you take deeper breaths, you use more air sacs in your lungs, which allows you to take in more oxygen to feed your muscles," Dr. David Ross, a pulmonologist at UCLA Medical Center, told the source. "When I'm running, I concentrate on taking slow and deep breaths to strengthen my diaphragm."

During your run, it's important to breathe in a rhythm. Match your inhaling and exhaling to your steps (try inhaling for two or three counts and exhaling for the same amount of time). If you are unable to match your breathing to your steps, try slowing down your pace.

Although it may feel more natural to breathe through your nose, during a run it's better to breathe through your mouth because it will allow you to intake more oxygen. However, according to FitSugar, runners should breathe through their noses during colder weather because the dry air can trigger wheezing and coughing. In either case, concentrate to make sure your breaths are coming from your belly rather than your chest and you will boost your endurance.

Seven ways to drink more water throughout the day

We all know that it’s important to drink eight glasses of water a day, but with so many other tasty beverage alternatives (and caffeinated ones at that), it can be easy to accidentally fall well below your daily hydration quota. Drinking more water will boost your energy and help you stay healthy, so try these tricks to sneak more water into your diet:

1. Drink during your workout
Staying hydrated while exercising is an important part of having an effective workout. The award-winning TRUE Fitness PS800 treadmill comes equipped with a water bottle holder, so you won’t have to worry about stopping your run to take a swig. This home treadmill is also packed with safety features and has one of the largest running surfaces in the industry so you can complete your workout injury-free.

2. Add flavor
There are tons of products on the market that make it easy to add some excitement to your water by inserting a little flavor. You can also go the natural route by squeezing in a bit of lemon, lime or cucumber to give your water a bit of a kick.

3. Buy a reusable water bottle
If you always have a bottle of water around, it will be much easier to reach your goal of eight glasses a day. Carry a reusable bottle with you wherever you go and refill it throughout the day to stay hydrated while saving money and the environment.

4. Make it a part of your morning routine
You brush your teeth every morning, right? If you drink a glass of water after you stumble out of bed each day, it will help you wake up and feel alert.

5. Try some tea
If adding flavor to your water still doesn’t make it appealing, drink some herbal tea. It’s not only healthier than your morning coffee, it also contains a great deal more water.

6. Swap out the soda
The next time you feel the urge to head to the vending machine for a soda, grab your water bottle and refill it at the nearest drinking fountain instead. It will help you form the habit of consuming more water and will rid your body of unnecessary extra caffeine.

7. Alternate during happy hour
If you find yourself at happy hour with your coworkers, drink a glass of water in between each cocktail. You’ll automatically consume less alcohol, thereby avoiding that nasty morning hangover.

How to Use Your Home Treadmill to Train for a 5K

If your springtime resolution is to finally run a 5K, you may have to overcome a few mental hurdles before you’re ready to take your running routine public. To avoid becoming discouraged as you train for your first 5K, the most important thing to do is take it slow. Follow these tips and you’ll be a racing success in no time:

1. Have the right equipment
Having the right home fitness equipment could prove to be critical for staving off injury as you begin your training. The TRUE Fitness M50 treadmill is specifically designed to reduce the impact on your ankles, knees, hips and back, which makes it perfect for anyone who’s just getting their start as a regular runner.

2. Set your goal
If you really want to get serious about your running routine, sign up for a 5K so you will have a definitive goal to work towards as you begin your training. Ask a friend to sign up with you so you can hold each other accountable as you make your way towards race day. Using a compatible fitness app will allow you to track your training and ensure you are reaching your goal.

3. Warm up
Never jump right onto your treadmill without stretching beforehand, especially early in your 5K training. Taking a few walking lunges, swinging your legs and marching in place will help prevent injuries as you train.

4. Take it slow
Don’t expect to run an entire 5K on your first day of training. Remember: it’s a goal you’re working towards. Start off by walking for half an hour every day, then alternate walking and running until you are able to run for a full 30 minutes. Listen to your body. If you’re in pain, it’s OK to take a break.

5. Have a plan
You’ll need to give yourself enough time prior to your 5K race date to get yourself in shape – anywhere from four to 10 weeks depending upon your athletic ability. Write out a training plan before you get started so you can stay organized and be ready for your first 5K!

Pair your Pilates with a butt-busting elliptical routine

With swimsuit season just around the corner, women are working hard to sculpt the perfect bikini body. That, of course, means combining workouts to effectively tighten and tone their backsides. To target your glutes, try pairing Pilates with your elliptical machine for a butt-busting workout combination.

1. Elliptical
To sculpt your behind, increase the resistance on your elliptical machine to help build more muscle. If you prefer working your glutes at home, the compact TRUE M30 Elliptical is the perfect addition to your home gym. It comes with preset workouts and a patented virtual personal training coach program that will help you tailor your workout to get the best results. As you tackle each exercise, press your heels down into the pedals to activate the back of your thighs and glutes.

2. Squats
One of the simplest ways to tone your backside (along with your hips and thighs) is squatting. To get the most out of each squat, stand with your feet parallel and shoulder-width apart. Then, slowly lower your hips. Make sure your knees don't extend forward past your toes. Of course, there are endless variations to this simple exercise. Experiment to see what works best for you.

3. Bridges
If you ever took gymnastics as a child, you'll remember this one. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet on the floor approximately hip-width apart. Slowly peel your spine off of the floor, and don't forget to clench your glutes and thighs during the process. Once you've formed a diagonal line with your spine, slowly return to the floor, and repeat.

4. Lunges
Another easy exercise to pair with your elliptical routine, lunges can be done almost anywhere. To make sure your lunges target your backside, begin with your feet hip-distance apart and parallel. Take a large step forward and slowly lower your body until your front knee has formed a 90 degree angle. Make sure your knee doesn't extend beyond your ankle. Then, raise your body, switch legs and repeat.

TRUE Treadmills Win In Top Two Categories In 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards

TRUE Fitness treadmills beat the competition to win in two top categories in the 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards. After accepting thousands of reader nominations, experts narrowed down the field and fitness fans voted for their favorites. TRUE Fitness treadmills won first place in two categories: Best Premium Treadmill and Best Mid-Price Treadmill. Both products were singled out for their extreme durability, quality and innovation. Meet the award-winning fitness equipment:

Best Premium Treadmill: TRUE ES900
The TRUE ES900 treadmill is designed for superior durability to inspire effective workouts. It’s made with a commercial-grade steel frame and features TRUE’s patented Soft System™ technology, which is the most biomechanically correct running surface available. This is not a treadmill for the casual runner. As one nominator explained to, “This top-of-the-line treadmill is designed to be the best, for those who demand the best.” The TRUE ES900 also offers two console options, which means that avid runners can choose the LCD screen that will most effectively help them meet their fitness goals. This amazing treadmill also comes with a lifetime warranty on its frame and motor.

Best Mid-Price Treadmill: TRUE M50
Because it is so compact, the TRUE M50 is ideal for runners looking to maximize the workout space in their homes. This treadmill is equipped with an orthopedic belt and aluminum straddle covers, and has a deck cushion designed to provide the smoothest, most natural motion possible. This makes the TRUE M50 ideal for anyone dealing with ankle, knee, hip or back pain because the softer deck cushioning eases stress on those areas of the body. Just like TRUE’s premium treadmills, the M50 features TRUE HRC Cruise Control™, which will help you maintain your target heart rate throughout your workout.