5 ways to make that workout fly by

We’ve all been there: Whether you work out all the time or are just beginning a fitness routine, the motivation to spend time in your home gym is sometimes lacking. You may be stressed from work, not feeling 100 percent or would just rather sit on the couch watching your favorite TV show. Whatever the case may be, we all need a little push sometimes to get on that home exercise equipment.

Sometimes the problem is that a 60- or even 30-minute session can feel like it drags on forever. This can cause you to lose focus, which can lessen the intensity of a session on your True M50 Home Treadmill, or, even worse, cause you to forget proper form while riding your stationary bike.  Continue reading “5 ways to make that workout fly by”

Pump up your cardio workout with added weights

In today’s busy world, it’s always great when you can make the most of your time by multitasking. This even holds true for your workouts. It’s important to make time for fitness each week, but if you can combine using your home cardio equipment with a little strength training, then you can really kick that physical activity into high gear and see even better results. Continue reading “Pump up your cardio workout with added weights”

Avoid these top result-sabotaging mistakes

Committing yourself to regular sessions on your home fitness equipment, only to see very little results is, in a word, frustrating. Whether you’re walking or jogging on your home treadmill or pedaling away on that stationary bike, you may not see as much progress as you were hoping for in terms of better endurance, faster miles, weight loss or stronger leg muscles.

If you’re dining on well-balanced, nutritious meals in addition to working out regularly throughout the week to little or no avail, it might be time to examine not the time spent, but how you’re exercising. Continue reading “Avoid these top result-sabotaging mistakes”

How can you keep those New Year’s fitness resolutions?

The New Year has officially began, and it’s that time again to make those resolutions. Some of the most popular promises people make to themselves are, of course, fitness related. Whether it’s to lose weight, build muscle, improve your endurance or become faster, it can be a challenge to stick to fitness resolutions once reality sets in.

However, deciding to develop healthier habits using your home gym equipment is always a good idea, so once the excitement wears off, it’s important to stay strong. There are many reasons people don’t stick to their resolutions, but it’s time to make this year different. With these useful tips, you’ll be able to stay on track and dedicate this year all about exercising on your home treadmill or stationary bike, and getting healthier. Continue reading “How can you keep those New Year’s fitness resolutions?”

Cross training with kettlebells and ellipticals

To really achieve the maximum benefits from physical fitness, it’s important to cross train. This involves participating in both cardiovascular and strength building workouts, whether you follow one after the other or alternate days.

Cross training ensures that your entire body, from your muscles and heart to your internal organs and brain, is in great shape. You’ll be stronger mentally and physically with both cardio and strength training, which can be achieved with home fitness equipment. Additionally, the more stable your muscles are, the better form you’ll have when performing cardio. You need solid leg muscles to keep you moving and a stable core to keep proper stance and form. Continue reading “Cross training with kettlebells and ellipticals”

Finding the right cardio workout to ease knee pain

Knee pain is a common issue for many people. Whether it’s the result of an injury sustained playing sports or in an accident due to overuse and overtraining, knee pain must be treated. Ignoring signs can create more problems, and could lead to the need for intensive interventions down the road, such as surgery.

Whether an old injury flares up sometimes or you suddenly find yourself with less leg mobility, it’s important to take the necessary steps to ease knee pain and stay active. Continue reading “Finding the right cardio workout to ease knee pain”

Cardio with shin splints: Try an elliptical machine

Medial tibial stress syndrome, also known as shin splints, refers to pain felt down the front of your lower legs. Shin splints are inflammation in the front part of the tibia caused by strenuous activity, stop-start actions or too much running on hard surfaces.

When shin splints occur, pain is usually felt during physical activity will recur during strenuous events like exercise or sports. Continue reading “Cardio with shin splints: Try an elliptical machine”

Creating a cardio circuit training program

For many people, finding time to work out can be a challenge. Whether you’re looking to lift weights or do cardio, is can be a struggle to find a free part of the day to devote solely to exercise, but circuit training can make this possible.

Circuit training is great for a number of reasons. For people who work, it’s time efficient and can be finished in as little as 30 minutes. Circuit training is also usually offers a total body workout  so every part gets attention. When people think of circuit training, they usually think of weight lifting and setting up various stations to challenge and strengthen muscles. Continue reading “Creating a cardio circuit training program”

The great debate: weights or cardio first?

A very common question, especially when people are starting a new fitness regime or getting back into working out, is what sort of exercise to perform first: weights or cardio.

The truth is, it depends on what your fitness goals are. Cardio and weight training don’t have to be performed on the same day, but if you’re doubling up, think about what you’re trying to achieve and how much weight you plan on lifting. Continue reading “The great debate: weights or cardio first?”