Working Cardio into Your Weight Lifting Routine

In order to get those “bulking” results you fellas may be looking for, you cannot solely focus on lifting weights. A simple cardio routine needs to be incorporated into your exercise regimen to supplement strength routines.

Working Cardio Into your Weight Lifting RoutineCardio does not strictly mean running, although running is a great cardio workout. Check out these cardio suggestions that you can add into your fitness routine to get the best results possible:

Continue reading “Working Cardio into Your Weight Lifting Routine”

Best workouts for stationary bikes

The best workouts for stationary bikes.
The best workouts for stationary bikes.

If you’ve recently made the decision to add some new cardio fitness equipment to your home gym setup, then the odds are strong that you’ve considered investing in one or more stationary bikes. First and foremost, congratulations, as these machines make a wonderful investment for anyone concerned with their cardiovascular fitness or general health. Admittedly, it can be hard to know exactly how to use them once they’re out of the box and set up. By this we mean that simply getting on the bike and pedaling for an hour may not be the most pragmatic use of your workout time. Not to worry though, with these creative ideas and tips for the best stationary bike workouts, you’ll never have a dull moment while exercising on your new machine: Continue reading “Best workouts for stationary bikes”

The Best Time to Buy a Gym Membership

iStock_000025206593_DoubleThere is no definitive period of time that is best for everyone as a whole to sign up for a gym membership. Each person is different and has different wants/needs when it comes to working out. However, even though no two people are the exact same, the criteria that will help you decide when is best to purchase a gym membership can be useful for everyone. Each of these factors will ultimately help you determine the right time to purchase a gym membership. Continue reading “The Best Time to Buy a Gym Membership”

Day-of-the-Week Workout Routine

An easy way to keep yourself on schedule with your workouts is to develop a routine so that it becomes second-nature. Dedicating each day of the week to a specific exercise, or area of focus, is an easy way to do this! Spreading a full workout into separate daily sessions will motivate you to keep working out all week long, so that you can target all areas. Completing a full body workout in one day may convince you that it was good enough for a few days. However, if you dedicate one day to legs, one day to arms, and so on, it will make you WANT to complete your small daily workout in order to get closer to accomplishing your overall full body workout. Here are a few suggestions for a day-of-the-week workout routine: Continue reading “Day-of-the-Week Workout Routine”

Why Treadmills Make a Workout More Enjoyable

model on treadmillNot everyone considers working out to be an enjoyable activity. In fact, some people simply hate it. People who love to run will need little motivation to throw on their shoes and go for a quick run outside. On the other hand, people who have a hard time motivating themselves to get active need a bit more of an enticement to get going. TRUE’s treadmill lines have done a great job catering to all types of people, including those who have little interest in working out. With 7 commercial treadmills and 5 different consoles to choose from, there is literally a perfect treadmill for everyone! Continue reading “Why Treadmills Make a Workout More Enjoyable”

How to Pick a Fitness Program that Best Suits You

Woman exercising boxing.No two people are alike and therefore will have different needs and wants when it comes to selecting a fitness program. Some of us are looking for something fun, while others are looking for something more intense. The great thing is that there is a program out there for everyone! There are so many different varieties of programs and styles of workouts that are available today that there is no excuse for not getting out there and getting active! Depending on your personal goals, and what you want to get out of a workout, will ultimately help you decide which program will be the best for you. Check out these few fitness programs that offer a variety of workout styles: Continue reading “How to Pick a Fitness Program that Best Suits You”

7 of the most common running mistakes

7 of the most common running mistakes
7 of the most common running mistakes

Running isn’t just a great way to burn calories and get stronger muscles, it can also be a form of stress relief and help to boost your mood thanks to feel-good endorphins. But if you’re a new runner, there are a few mistakes you may be making that could take away from your workout and cause potential injury. Get the most out of home treadmills by avoiding these fitness blunders: Continue reading “7 of the most common running mistakes”

How A Strict Fitness Routine Can Actually Harm Your Workout Results

Many people think that getting into a strict routine of working out is the best way to generate results. However, this can actually make each workout less effective. Getting into the routine of working out regularly is great, but too often people complete the same workouts, on the same equipment each time they work out. Unfortunately, this approach is counterproductive. In order to ensure you are getting the best results out of each and every workout you complete, you have to mix them up!

How Can A Strict Fitness Routine Harm Your Workout Results

An easy way to satisfy working out while not falling into a strict workout regimen is to combine cardio and strength training workouts while mixing it up workouts within those categories as well. For cardio workouts try mixing it up between speed walking, running, elliptical, biking/cycling, jump rope, etc. If it’s getting your heart rate up, it’s cardio! Also, gradually increase the distance and intensity levels of your workouts each time you complete them in order to keep your muscles consistently challenged.

For strength training it’s even simpler; hit the gym and start trying out different pieces of equipment that target different areas of the body. For example, one day work on your legs, a few days later work on your arms, etc. The combinations are endless when you continually switch up which exercises you complete; this will keep your body from getting used to the workout and in turn, keep your body constantly working out to its full potential.

How to get a full body workout on the treadmill

How to get a full body workout on the treadmill
How to get a full body workout on the treadmill

Home treadmills are an effective way of improving your cardiovascular system and helping you reach your fitness goals, whatever they may be. The treadmill is more than just a machine to build strong legs, however. You can actually get a total body workout on your home treadmill to give yourself the most powerful fitness routine as possible. Continue reading “How to get a full body workout on the treadmill”