Blog Beginner Fitness Tips

Steer Clear of These 3 Fitness Marketing Schemes


The fitness industry has taken off at an incredible rate over the last few years. The rise in popularity has given many brands of products and services within the health and fitness industry the opportunity to follow suit. But how can you tell which products are legitimate and which ones are simply designed to dupe you? To make it a bit easier, check out these few fitness marketing schemes that don’t truly represent the results they are promising:

“Fat Free” Foods Are Full of Sugar

Popular culture has made it to where we tend to fear fats—that’s where “fat free” foods come in. While seeing the phrase “fat free” soRES Week 1unds promising, it’s too good to be true. Studies have shown that food items that reduce the natural fat content are often worse for your body than if you were to consume the full fat version of a product.

Why? Because when food manufacturers remove the natural fat from the product, they also remove a lot of the flavor. To make up for this, they add additional amounts of sugar, flour, salt, and other ingredients, which aren’t necessarily the best ingredients for you or your fitness goals.

Instead of fearing fats and trying to avoid them altogether, look for foods that have healthy fats, like monosaturated and polysaturated, rather than unhealthy trans fats. Healthy fats can be found in foods like:

  • Nuts
  • Fatty fish
  • Avocados

Sports Drinks Aren’t as Necessary as You Think

Many sport drink brands claim that the electrolytes provided in their drinks are essential and mandatory for anyone exercising, no matter how intense. While added electrolytes are most likely needed for an athlete with an extreme fitness regimen, they are not essential for the average individual completing a daily jog.

In fact, the abundance of sugar in these drinks can actually do more harm than good if you aren’t training intensely to burn off its effects. For day-to-day exercise, water will typically suffice and any nutrients lost can be easily replaced by maintaining a healthy diet.

Low-Calorie, Pre-Packaged Foods Have Hidden Additives

There are many “healthy” food brands available these days designed to make eating healthier a breeze. However, these foods are typically pre-packaged and processed, which means they can contain additives and preservatives that aren’t going to help you achieve the healthy lifestyle you desire. While the package claims to have a low-calorie, low-fat content, the ingredients section may show this is countered with other bad-for-you ingredients.

If you’re looking for low-calorie, healthy foods that you can eat on the go, shop for fresh ingredients and make your own. You can pre-prep healthy meals so you don’t have to spend a lot of time cooking.

Up Next: The Dangers of the “No Pain, No Gain” Mentality