Blog Health & Wellness

How Running Can Bring Health, Prosperity, and Happiness!


Science has already proved that running can help increase happiness, improve sleep, and increase your fitness and health so imagine a world where everyone in the nation were regular runners. The athletic apparel company Mizuno did just that and the results are astounding!

Mizuno, partnered with the University of North Carolina research team to analyze tons of scientific and academic data and hypothesis about the impact of running on our mental, economic, and physical health. What they found was a world with more happiness, prosperity, and health. A world with a nation of runners could mean 20 million more great grandmothers, 10% higher earnings, 32% of people getting better sleep, $143 billion dollars saved in health care costs and 20% stronger memories and that’s just the beginning!

Did you know that exercise is scientifically proven to reducing anger and improve your mood and that running results in a decreased desire for cigarettes? These are just a few examples of what regular cardio exercise can do for you and the world around you.

We may be a long way away from becoming a nation of runners but you can start making a difference in your life now! Fire up your home treadmill or take Fido on a run around the neighborhood today!

Read the entire study (it’s packed with tons of interesting stats) or you can check out their interactive website at!