Although the idea of participating in a triathlon may be intimidating, more athletes are taking the plunge every day. According to USA Triathlon, participation in this extreme athletic event is at an all-time high, and its popularity is growing every year. There’s no getting around the fact that it’s an intense workout – completing miles of swimming, running and cycling in one day is certainly no picnic. But given the right training and attitude, you’ll be ready to tackle your first triathlon in no time. Use these tips to help get you there:
1. Sign up for a race
If you really want to be a triathlete, the first thing you need to do is sign up for a race. Nothing is a more powerful motivator than having that date circled in red on your calendar. Once you have that major goal set, you will be able to create more manageable weekly objectives so you’ll be fully prepared for the big day.
2. Give yourself plenty of time
Even if you’re a fairly active individual, you’ll need a good chunk of time to train for the triathlon because it will test your physical limits in a way they never have been before. You should give yourself at least 12 weeks to prepare.
3. Use the right equipment
When training for something as big as a triathlon, having the right cardio fitness equipment at your disposal will be a key component of your success. All you’ll need for the swimming portion is a pool or lake to train in, but you won’t want to skimp on your home treadmill or exercise bike. TRUE Fitness home gym equipment is the best you can buy, and with patented technology like the TRUE HRC Cruise Controlâ„¢, you’ll have no trouble making sure you get the most out of every single training session.
4. Make a training plan
Now that you have the right cardio fitness equipment and a race date to work toward, it’s time to make a training plan. To reduce your risk of injury, you should never increase the number of minutes or miles that you swim, bike or run each week by more than 10 percent, so plan accordingly. In addition, you will want to devote equal amounts of time to each of the three events in a triathlon. You may feel that you’re already a strong runner, but if you neglect this part of your training program you’ll be in for a nasty surprise on race day.