Blog Beginner Fitness Tips

Don’t overdo it if you’re a running beginner


New Years resolutions to get into a running routine may have fallen by the wayside, but spring is in the air and the budding leaves may just inspire beginner runners to once again give it a try. Many beginners may give up on their goal of becoming a runner too quickly because they don’t have the proper information to get them into the right routine, but with the right know-how, they can position themselves for success.

To begin with, it is especially important that running newbies have the right equipment. Using a fitness treadmill can make the transition easier because when exercising indoors, runners do not meet wind resistance.

In addition, to avoid becoming injury-prone as they look to shed pounds or get in the habit of running regularly, it’s a good idea for beginners to choose a treadmill that has orthopedically correct shock absorption, such as the TRUE Soft Systemâ„¢, available on several TRUE Fitness treadmills.

This innovative feature not only allows runners to set the firmness of the deck, but also provides a soft surface on impact while transitioning to a firmer surface for push off, making it ideal for both beginners and those who are more well-trained.

In addition to ensuring that they are running on the proper surface, beginners should increase their running routine gradually to avoid becoming overly tired or triggering an injury. Runner’s World recommends that beginners increase their mileage by 10 percent per week.

Rather than overdoing it and losing confidence, Fitness magazine recommends that beginners start running three days a week for 20 minutes at a time. If 20 minutes is initially too much, it’s ok to take walking breaks. Getting into a running routine should be a gradual process so beginners feel comfortable and are inspired to continue their training.

Running beginners may become discouraged if they experience symptoms of soreness or fatigue. However, it’s important that they understand that many of the obstacles that they encounter, such as side stitches, will go away over time as they ease into a regular routine.

If beginners find they are getting out of breath, they should concentrate on breathing deeply and take walking breaks when necessary. In the end, it’s possible for running newbies to someday become running veterans if they have the tools to help them be successful.