There are a variety of reasons why you choose to run indoors on your residential TRUE treadmill – adverse weather, consistency, or the premium features available on TRUE residential treadmills. Whether you run once a day or once a week, keeping engaged is key to your success!
Are you looking for a new opportunity to keep your treadmill workouts fun and interactive? Look no further than Zwift – one of TRUE’s technology partners.
We partnered with Zwift to make your workouts even better than imagined! TRUE wants to turn training into an experience.
Zwift App 
The Zwift app, available on iOS and Android devices, combines the intensity of training with the fun of gaming! Take the opportunity to run in a variety of virtual worlds, and join a community that motivates members each and every mile!
You have the option to choose from 5 virtual worlds, with 80+ routes, and set training goals, train for upcoming races, join community groups, chat will fellow Zwifters and more!
To utilize Zwift, members simply download the Zwift app (iPad recommended), and connect to a compatible TRUE treadmill. Zwift is also compatible on TRUE commercial treadmills. After downloading the app, exercisers simply set up their ‘runner’ profile, and then pair their phone or iPad to the treadmill.
Setting up the connection is simple. Once the ‘paired devices’ screen loads, exercisers verify the run tab at the top of the screen and then choose the compatible TRUE treadmill.
If you are running on a non-compatible TRUE treadmill, the Zwift RunPod will provide the connection needed to keep running! The RunPod pairs to the Zwift app via Bluetooth connection, and measures and broadcasts speed, cadence and distance.
Even better – the Zwift RunPod allows fitness enthusiasts to run at home on their residential TRUE treadmill, too!
Zwift Connection
Zwift is available on the Performance 100 Treadmill, Performance 300 Treadmill, Performance 800 Treadmill, Excel 900 Treadmill
Exercisers looking for a fun training tool or an interactive opportunity to utilize home will appreciate Zwift!
If you don’t have a compatible TRUE residential treadmill, be sure to check out our premium range of residential treadmills!