Blog Health & Wellness

Debunking spring health myths


Spring is here, and that means warmer weather, budding flowers and a whole slew of seasonal health problems. While winter is generally considered prime cold-battling season, spring brings new health concerns with it: Is there such a thing as too much sunblock? Can I develop allergies? Is it OK to jump back into my outdoor running routine? Don’t panic! Here are five spring health myths, debunked:

Myth: You should never go outside without sunscreen
Years of having the importance of sunblock drilled into our heads has caused Americans to go above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to skin cancer prevention. In fact, many people are becoming vitamin D deficient because they refuse to go outside without sunscreen! Head outside sunblock-free in the morning or late afternoon for the safest (and most effective) way to absorb some vitamin D.

Myth: Now that it’s nice outside you can jump back into your running routine
If you’ve neglected your running routine during the winter, don’t take spring as a sign to pick up where you left off last fall. To avoid unnecessary injuries, ease yourself back into your regular exercise regimine by running on a home treadmill to increase your endurance. The TRUE M50 treadmill is designed to even further reduce the stress on your back, knees, ankles and hips.

Myth: The change in temperature is what’s making you sick
This is absolutely, 100 percent not true. If you tend to get sick as the season changes from winter to spring, it’s not due to the fluctuation in temperature: it’s because allergens are reappearing in your environment. Pollen, trees and grass can aggravate allergies, which is likely what is making you feel under the weather.

Myth: You shouldn’t swim for an hour after eating
Once it’s warm enough to hit the pool, don’t be fooled by this myth. Although it was previously thought that swimming too soon after ingesting food would cause you to cramp up and drown, this has been proven to be false. You may have less energy to swim right after you eat a big meal, but nothing terrible will happen to you.

Myth: You’re too old to develop allergies
Notice that you’re getting sick as the seasons change? Even if you didn’t have allergies as a child, you may have developed them in adulthood. If you’re dealing with symptoms such as itchy, watery eyes or excessive sneezing, take a trip to the doctor to see if you’re suffering from seasonal allergies.