
How can you achieve the treadmill body?

October 25, 2013

When people think of a home treadmill, the idea of a total body workout may not necessarily be the first thing that comes to mind. More often than not, treadmills correlate to the idea of a great cardio workout or strengthening the leg muscles like quadriceps, hamstrings and calves.

While treadmills like a True PS800 Home Treadmill are popular pieces of equipment, exercisers don’t always know how to mix up their routines on them, which can definitely lead to fitness boredom.

But here’s the good news: Group fitness instructor and treadmill coach David Siik has developed a workout method to help people achieve “the treadmill body,” which could help keep things new and exciting on this piece of home gym equipment.

Siik’s plan incorporates not only traditional running, but also fat-blasting intervals and strength and balance exercises.

Of course, while people run forward on fitness treadmills, they are altering their speed and/or incline. However, they don’t often think to turn around or face sideways on the machines. These exercises can help mix things up on the treadmill and give you a total body workout:

Side shuffles
It’s a good idea to start slowly with these moves at around 2.5 miles per hour, then increase the rate as you get more advanced. Start facing forward, holding onto the handles. Turn clockwise and begin to side shuffle your feet. Continue to hold on until you feel comfortable letting go. Remember to stay tall and keep your abs tight. Also remember to switch sides so that each muscle group is balanced. This will help work your legs’ inner and outer muscles.

Push-off plank
You’ll want the treadmill off for this one, or place it in dynamic mode. Get into a plank position with your feet on the floor and your hands on the treadmill belt near the edge. Keep your abdomen muscles tight. Then, begin pushing the treadmill belt forward with your hands. This is a very challenging exercise and requires major upper body strength, but it will also help develop your arm, chest, back and core muscles.

Mountain climbers
Again, keep the treadmill off or in dynamic mode. You’re going to get into a plank position, but this time your hands or elbows are on the ground and your feet are on the treadmill belt toward the back end, keeping your abs tight. Once you’re in position, begin to pedal your feet and push the belt away from you. This will work your core muscles as well as your leg muscles. You may also feel a burn in your upper body from stabilizing.